Having a baby and being a mother is one of God’s greatest blessings indeed. The miracle of bringing a life into this world is far beyond our imagination. It’s a beautiful reality. The moment a woman steps into her motherhood, her whole life changes. This shift of priorities is not as easy as a lot of people see it. Being a mother is a full time job and definitely one of the underrated ones in today’s world. It takes someone strong to grow a life in the womb for 9 months, then protect and nourish it for the rest of its life. Probably, that’s why God chose women for this job.
Artist Jamina Bone suffered postpartum depression also referred to as PPD after the birth of her second baby. She felt terrible about herself and about being a mom. She had negative thoughts about herself as well as her parenting skills. But being a brave woman that Bone is, she fought back with her PPD and got herself together. She decided to help other moms who were feeling the same way she did by making absolutely positive and encouraging illustrations called “Still a good mom”. Here are 30 illustrations from Jamina Bone that urge moms to quit fretting about the social norms. Scroll down and check them out.
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Meet the brave and beautiful mommy of two, Jamina Bone.
“It went from a very educational approach where I was constantly looking up the ‘best’ way to handle every aspect to being unable to move, I used to plan activities, limit screen time, and make every opportunity a learning moment. I was a Special Educator before having kids so this was everything I wanted and felt equipped to do it all. When PPD hit, it was like wading through mud or even quicksand and still being expected to do all the things. I kept the negative thoughts in my head and often imagined terrifying things from hurting myself to the death of my baby. Being isolated the first several months and lack of sleep were definite factors that played into depression but also not dealing with the sudden death of my mother in law to cancer when I was pregnant. I didn’t realize these were risk factors.”
It’s okay to not have everything figured out. You are still a good mom.
Just be yourself and don’t worry about the opinions of others.
Taking some time out for yourself is not selfish at all. It’s called self-care and you are still a good mom.
You are a warrior, fighting for the better future of this world. Keep it up! You’re a great mom.
You are doing just great.
Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid of being who you really are.
Balancing a career and personal life is a work of art only moms can do.
Leaving your child at the child care center while you work doesn’t make you any less of a great mom.
Have faith in yourself. Don’t listen to what people have to say. Their opinions are irrelevant.
It’s normal to get mad at kids sometimes. You’re doing just fine.
Men may be physically stronger than women, but women are far more powerful than men. They both have their own duties and responsibilities that they have to take care of on their ends. Together, they both make the world go round. However, a lot of people do not understand the idea of being a mom and raising a child. They don’t see how essential and tough this job of delivering and raising a child is. Raising a child means building the future and it is no joke. Moms have to keep up with a lot of things in the process of raising their children. After countless sleepless nights, struggles, scars and pain is a mom able to raise a child to the point where it is capable of making its own decisions. Even after all the struggle, moms are constantly worried about their children’s well being.
That’s just what moms do. The have a solution for everything.
Even if you can’t give your child what it desire, you are still a great mom because you give all that you have.
You deserve that extra sleep. You are a great mom.
Even if there is still a lot of laundry to do, you are still a good mom.
Do not listen to what they have to say. Their opinion is not your reality.
It’s okay. You can also feel tired sometimes.
Don’t worry mom, we are all with you. You are a wonder woman and we love you.
Everything you do, counts.
Keep up the good work parents. You are doing great.
Even if you are a career oriented female, you are still doing a great job at being a mom.
Life with kids is not as simple as some “opinionated” people think.
Not all superheroes wear capes.
Anything made by a mother’s hands is the world’s most delicious food.
No need to worry, mom is always there to rescue.
Story time with mom, is the best ever.
Being a mom doesn’t mean you can’t look great.
Everyday we love you more mom.
Moms have the biggest hearts.
Embrace your body. You are beautiful just the way you are.
Moms are all rounders.
Whoa! These illustrations took us on a ride through a mom’s life. They are truly super beings and we can’t thank God enough for all the love He has placed in a mom’s heart. What is your mom to you? Let us know in the comments below.