Kids always say the craziest things and make us laugh like crazy.
No doubt, having kids is one’s own choice but you are blessed if you have kids at home. Kids bring happiness into one’s life. These kids may look innocent but they are not. They are smarter than you and will surprise you with their comebacks. They will make you speechless with their arguments. When you have such kids, you should share their hilarious incidents with the world. A dad is doing the same on Instagram. James Breakwell is a comedy writer and a father of four girls. He has more than 157K followers on Instagram. He shares hilarious conversations with his daughters. Today, we have compiled 25 of them. Scroll down if you want to uplift your mood.
1. When a sister wears the other sister’s shirt:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
2. This kid has summed it up right:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
3. When your kids do not like the house to be cleaned:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
4. We have always been friends.
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
5. She makes sense:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
6. When you can’t decide if you have failed or succeeded as a parent:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
7. When your kid wants to have dinosaurs for lunch:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
8. When your kid wants to have a dessert:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
9. This is why kids get more homework:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
10. When you can’t whistle:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
11. When you allow your kid only two candies:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
12. When it is not Christmas yet but your kid wants to go trick or treating:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
13. My life has been a lie moment:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
Kids are curious by nature and they would observe everything. They would keep asking you questions based on their observations. And no answer can satisfy their curiosity. This is why James started posting these conversations he had with his four daughters on social media. James Breakwell has more than 1 million followers on Twitter. He shares family humor but his followers enjoy his parenting posts more. If you are someone who loves parenting memes and tweets, then you should follow this cool dad. Scroll down for more.
14. Whenever you tell your kids to clean the house:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
15. When your toddler is a problem solver:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
16. The little one is preparing for college:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
17. When your toddler wants help with the dishes:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
18. When your kid does not trust you:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
19. When your kid gets up early:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
20. When your toddler wants her friend to come over:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
21. She got a point:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
22. “That was just practice”
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
23. “Fight from last night”
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
24. Kids always have a good reason:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
25. When your kid cannot lie:
Via: james_breakwell/Instagram
Do you have a close bond with your kids? Do they surprise you with their arguments? If yes, share some of the conversations with us! Also, you can follow this cool dad on Twitter and Instagram to stay updated with his new adventures.