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Father Lets His Son Get Drunk When He Is Underage, Wife Gets Mad

Teaching your children responsibility is a difficult task.

Even the best-intentioned parents can fall short when it comes to this aspect. However, many parents overlook the fact that being a strict parent is not the best way to communicate with your children, especially as they grow into teenagers. Even teenagers want their voices to be heard. Getting angry at them or restricting their freedom will only make them more stubborn and want to do the things you told them not to do. That is why it is critical that you develop a friendly relationship with them in which they feel comfortable confiding in you with all of their concerns.


While I do not believe that a parent should always be their child’s friend because that is dependent on the individual, harping on them for every little thing is also unhealthy. That is why, trying to prevent your children from drinking when they are underage is usually ineffective. There’s a reason why so many teenagers sneak out and drink when they’re underage and end up in trouble. Allowing them to do these things at home, where they are safe, is, in my opinion, a much better option. That is exactly how this particular father thinks.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

The title basically says it all and why he is worried.


His son came to him before the party asking for help knowing that they would drink at the party.


The father wanted to make sure that his son would be safe.


So they decided to do a test run of sorts.


It ended up being alright and the son learned where his limits were as well.


However, his wife was not so happy about the whole situation when she learned about it.


To be honest, I applaud the father for cultivating such an open relationship with his son that he feels comfortable seeking advice from him and telling him the truth. Not many kids will do that, proving that OP is a wonderful father. And, while I understand why he did what he did, I also understand his wife’s feelings. This argument would not have occurred if he had simply discussed it with her beforehand. However, it is not as serious as it appears. I can only hope they figure it out and that it doesn’t have an impact on the son.

People in the comments were overwhelmingly on his side.

While they understood the wife’s position, it was still the best choice.


At the end of the day, he was just trying to help his son.

If he had only discussed it with his wife beforehand.


I agree with what this person is saying completely.

That is true.


It sounds like she is just upset about being kept out of the loop.

Rather than being angry at you for doing it.


However, I am glad that a teenager has such an understanding father.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you ever allow your child to drink while underage? Or do you believe it will be harmful in the long run? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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