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Girl Loses It At Her Boyfriend For Not Treating Her To Hair & Nail Appointments

treating my girlfriend

Unexpectedly, a lot of relationship problems are the result of fights over money. In all honesty, the relationship can suffer if you aren’t prepared to discuss and periodically make concessions on how you think money should be spent and saved. Don’t you simply adore financial concerns? This life is great. It’s more entertaining to judge a Reddit post about financial problems in a relationship than it is to deal with my own financial problems.

In today’s episode of Am I The A$$hole, the OP questions whether it’s fair that he no longer pays for his girlfriend’s haircuts and pedicures since he now pays the electricity bills. In general, they disagree on whether to allow the nearby children to use their electricity and water. Do you believe the OP should continue to split expenses equally with his partner? Should his partner be more accepting of his kindness to the nearby children? Should OP take her security fears more seriously? So keep on scrolling down to below to know more and let us know what do you think about this in the comment section below. Make sure you watch it till the end.

1. OP is a generous man, let’s see more

Font - Posted by u/Luxuryvswants07 2 hours ago AITA for stopping treating my GF after she stopped paying utilities cause kids use it? 2 My GF, Ally and I have dated almost 4yrs. We are both 25. She moved in to my place about 8 months ago. Prior she didn't want to move in due to the neighborhood being below her standards compared to her parents home. Her family is RICH - i inherited my GMAs house and it's not the best neighborhood, but it's no where near the "hood". It's a mix of middle class and


Via u/Luxuryvswants07

2. It should have pissed any sensible man, OP is a man who respect humanity.

Font - One thing i do not restrict is my hose and the 1 electrical outlet i have on my porch. Anyone is welcome to always drink from it, or charge there phone if there power gets turned off. Power usage is only common w/ this one family- but hose water multiple kids drink as they get sent outside all day during the summer. My utility bill is $130-150 during winter and $180-220 during summer months. My GF and i discussed it when she moved in. I make 60k a year and she makes $58k a year so we deci


Via u/Luxuryvswants07

3. We don’t think OP is an A-hole here

Font - after an argument i decided to pay full utilities. i was used to this before she moved in so no issue. I stopped paying for her hair and nails and extra outting that i use to treat her too after that though. She noticed and called me out. I told her that nails and hair weren't my problem, and she said that these were things i did for her. i told her luckily i didn't care about that. she yelled, it wasn't the same! left and hasn't talked me to me in 2 days. AITA here? Her best friend texte


Via u/Luxuryvswants07

4. She got Karma

Font - Puzzleheaded-Quote77 2 hr. ago Partassipant [3] NTA - if that is how she treats others then run away. Reply Share 171


Via u/Puzzleheaded-Quote77

5. Well, this is also right, let’s see what others have to say.

Font - rhinosorcery 2 hr. ago Partassipant [4] NTA. And yes the best friend is right, the home isn't yours (plural) it's just yours. Letting children play in your yard and use a few utilities is a nice thing to do. Maybe she is right about safety and liability, but refusing to pay her share of the utilities is the wrong way of going about it. Reply Share 107


Via u/rhinosorcery

6. Everyone’s saying OP is NTA

Font - bidens_left_ear. 2 hr. ago Asshole Enthusiast [5] NTA. You are going to have to deal with the problem that she thinks she owns the house. P.S. No she should not own 50% of the house, you own the house 100% and she is your tenant. This means you should have her sign a rental contract that spells out her expenses and why/what they are for. This might feel tacky, as they are not married and her name isn't on the property. If the OP dies tomorrow she has no rights to the house. ↑ 86 ↓ Reply S


7. Everyone deserves such a cool neighbor as OP

Font - Disneyland4Ever - 2 hr. ago Partassipant [3] NTA. I think it's awesome that you're such a cool neighbor to offer a safe place for kids to play and let them use the hose and electricity. There is NO WAY (unless they fill up a massive pool, or start plugging in massive lights) that their use of those things substantially impacts your bill. Considering the change in agreement, I think it's reasonable that you can't afford to treat your GF to some of the things you used to treat her to anymor

Via u/Disneyland4Ever

8. A fundamental mismatch? What do you think?

Font - Ellf13 2 hr. ago Asshole Aficionado [15] Mate, you've just had a glimpse of your future. If your GF doesn't share your compassion or the empathy for the neighbourhood kids, you have a fundamental mismatch in outlook, and I doubt that's going to change. I'm going with NTA, but it could be E S H, simply because neither of you are behaving well or communicating properly. Reply Share 38


Via u/Ellf13

9. She shouldn’t have had problems with OP being nice to neighbors.

Font - GoldenJaguar1995 - 2 hr. ago Colo-rectal Surgeon [36] NTA. She doesn't pay for anything and she wants to start making orders and barking them. You did good on standing your ground as a person and yes it is the same on paying for hair and nails. 29 Reply Share

Via u/GoldenJaguar1995

10. Someone is speaking facts here

Font - LookAtNarnia 2 hr. ago Asshole Aficionado [19]] NTA. She doesn't want to give drinking water to thirsty kids, so why should you want to give her completely unnecessary and superficial luxury treatments? You don't have money for everything, and you certainly can't accept kids fainting because of dehydrating. She, on the other hand, will live just fine without getting her hair and nails done. Give her a link to google's hair braiding channels and buy a bottle of nail polish so she can do it


Via u/LookAtNarnia

11. Absolutely right

Font - DeVitreousHumor 2 hr. ago Partassipant [3] NTA. You seem like a good neighbor, and your GF seems really stingy. What kind of AH resents letting neighbor kids charge their phones? The one thing you should know is that garden hoses aren't safe or sanitary to drink from, because the hose itself might contain heavy metals like lead, and the water left in it can be a reservoir for microbes. Maybe you can remove the hose and let the kids fill water bottles from your outdoor tap? IDK. Reply Shar

Via u/DeVitreousHumor

12. Socioeconomic differences are way harder, exactly.

Font - Syveril2 hr. ago NTA - y'all sound like you're having problems communicating and resolving differences of opinion, but be aware you're choosing your lifestyle (of being connected to your community) over your gf. She's not going to forgive you for this, but maybe you need to find a girl that is more in line with your values. Socioeconomic differences are way harder to overcome than other differences, even language, race and nationality. She's not mature enough to navigate this difference a


Via u/Syveril2

13. Considering the facts, yeah.

Font - SunshinePopsicle 777 2 hr. ago NTA - - she doesn't care about CHILDREN you're looking out for 4 17 Reply Share

Via u/SunshinePopsicle777

14. NTA

Font - Kari-kateora 2 hr. ago Pooperintendant [55] NTA. Rich daddy's little princess is incredibly spoilt. 4 16 Reply Share


Via u/Kari-kateora

15. It says a lot about her

Font - Panaccolade 2 hr. ago Asshole Aficionado [13] NTA. How people treat others matters. She treats these children like they're criminals just waiting for your back to be turned. It says a LOT about her. She can pay for her own damn nails and hair, or she can get that best friend to do it but you're not obligated to do nice things for someone like that. 16 Reply Share

Via u/Panaccolade

16. Being rich yet seems to hate giving

Font - RattlingBones420 . 2 hr. ago Partassipant [2] NTA you dodged a bullet,she didn't seem to love you she seemed to love the treatment that came with your love.she is so rich yet seems to hate giving. Honestly it's a red flag whenever someone becomes angry over small things involving children that hurts nobody. Let her know it's over or I can guarantee the next time she is over she will get up to some shady stuff 14 Reply Share


Via u/RattlingBones420

17. OP is great man and he is not an A-hole

Font - ItsJamieDodgr. 2 hr. ago Asshole Enthusiast [7] "not treating the home like it's ours" ITS NOT EVEN HER HOME ITS YOURS absolutely NTA, and good for you being so kind to all the kids in your neighbourhood Reply Share 13

Via u/ItsJamieDodgr

18. There was not even a single person who said OP wasn’t right

Font - Classic-Internal-351 · 2 hr. ago edited 29 min. ago NTA. However, I would rethink about being with a person who wants to deny drinking water to people, especially kids. It's simply a kind deed. My family fills an earthen water pot every summer with a drinking glass for this very reason. She might be a rich person, but she isn't generous or kind. Honestly, it would be a deal breaker if it were my partner. World needs kindness, not selfishness. 12 Reply Share


Via u/Classic-Internal-351

19. Guess we found one

Font - shzan1 1 hr. ago Certified Proctologist [28] Going against the grain and voting ESH. You own the house yes but she lives there too. And you both should be in agreement with what goes on in the home you share. If I was not comfortable with kids in and out on the property I live on and not having privacy I would not be happy with that too. 3 ↓ 43 Reply Share

Via u/shzan1

20. First of all it’s not breaking his bank

Font - Burnttoast1027 . 1 hr. ago NTA, the kids aren't impacting your bills at all. You could try the reasonable argument and explain with numbers how charging their phones and drinking hose water is not causing the raise, But I doubt that's the real issue. I also don't get why you'd always be paying for her nails & hair when she makes almost as much as you and lives almost rent free... as a treat once in a while why not but regularly? 443 Reply Share


Via u/Burnttoast1027

Everybody believe that OP was right and the girlfriend was reacting too much. For god sake it was just children if they drank water there it isn’t such a big deal. From reading the story above OP seems to be a nice and kind person who was serving humanity by letting those children drink water or charge their phones and he was paying for that. OP’s girlfriend should have understood him and his values considering the fact that he was paying for it.

The rest is up to you guys. Let us know what you think about this post in the comment section below? Do you also think OP is not an A-hole here? Don’t forget to like and share it with your friends and family. Stay tuned with Defused for more fun content. Thank You!.


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