You never know what’s gonna happen.
Especially if you work at a hotel. So many types of people walk in the front door every day. From normal couples to crime lords. Who knows what is going to happen a few hours from now. However, US marshals walking in from your front door and asking you to help with spying on a criminal isn’t anyone’s first thought.
This lady definitely wasn’t expecting what she got. You see, she had decided to have a quiet Wednesday night in when some US marshals walked in with their badges and asked her to keep an eye out for a wanted criminal. She was very low on the details but was well aware that they meant serious business.
Let’s just say the story is even more interesting than it sounds.
Source: Reddit
I guarantee that the story is a roller coaster ride not made clear in the title.
That is when you know something is up.
Some secret stuff was happening and she was none the wiser.
I mean that is a bit scary but at least they are upfront about it.
Most people would be concerned about that.
Aren’t wanted criminals usually very jumpy?
So she set out to spend the rest of her as normally as she could.
However, as time passes by she thinks nothing is going to happen.
But that is when the before mentioned girl walks in.
I think I am starting to get the picture.
So this girl is basically helping the police.
Thanks for writing all that out. What a tense and fascinating story. I found myself wondering how cool I could be checking in that woman in such a situation. I suppose you never really know until you do it. Excellent job. –hpotter29
Nobody would watch the camera like a hawk.
This is when everything starts to get real.
Things happened quite quickly.
And he was already in custody.
Wow~ What an awesome night~! Checked in a scared girl, and watch an actual arrest go down… Without harm… It just doesn’t happen like that in the movies.
I would have been a bit disappointed in the final outcome. Like… where’s the flames, bombs, negotiator, Channel 4 news team, and last but not least, my moment to shine with the newscaster’s microphone in my face? Hmmm. but ok, it was still an exciting evening, right? –CoronaKat007
Only the morning after did she find out who the man was.
What is the craziest night you have gone through at your work? Comment down below and let us know.