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29 Hotel Employees Share Their Most Unforgettable Experiences With Guests

29 hotel employees

Without any curveballs, working in the hospitality business is already challenging. They are, however, almost certainly going to happen sooner or later. Have you ever experienced a challenging day at work just to discover how much worse things could get? Like, on a scale you couldn’t possibly have imagined. You may have thought to yourself at that time that your pay for this work is insufficient. Redditors with experience in the hospitality sector shared their most unusual encounters. They candidly discussed how unusual their own coworkers and some of the guests were in a r/AskReddit discussion that was initiated by user/Slider-678. Are you willing to fall through the rabbit hole? Hold onto your hats and continue reading for some of the strangest hotel tales.

Why would you leave a cat behind?


This is really an amusing one



We have a story from a hotel manager as well


Here’s a short crazy story as written by OP, let’s see what we have here


Did you know before that a snail could come after you?


That’s the attitude everyone should adopt at certain situations


Should read this one till the end

If you ever see 4th mage in the midwest, tell him his bag was forgotten is Minnesota


Another story from a hotel guest room consists of a secretly gay man with his lover, drugs, poop, fist fights, etc.



Maybe the milk grew legs and followed them around

It’s nice seeing the rare example of a rich person who is also generous, outside tax-write-offs


And the accompanying image is storm damage. Probably just trying to find an image of a 2×4 and that’s all BP could come up with.

So you’re saying blood is not blue?? Those tampon ads lied to me


Poor high-net-worth guy. He must’ve been so lonely.


I thought for a minute the guest had kidnapped the Som. What an anticlimactic ending


Did he clean it up with his sleeve? Jesus, grow some balls


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused.



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