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Roommate Stopped Paying For Utilities So The Redditor Takes Tech-Savvy Measures To Get Her

OP found herself in a tough situation when her college roommate began neglecting her share of rent and utilities. Despite OP’s understanding and willingness to cover for her friend’s financial struggles, she couldn’t help but feel betrayed upon discovering her roommate’s lavish spending habits. This led OP to take matters into her own hands, leveraging her tech-savvy skills to inconvenience her roommate. By blocking her from the internet and tampering with the TV shows she enjoyed, OP sought a form of justice for her unpaid dues. Additionally, upon learning that her roommate was also neglecting rent payments, OP devised further strategies, subtly disrupting her roommate’s daily routines by manipulating the apartment’s electricity. Though she never received compensation for her efforts, the sense of vindication she gained from leveling the playing field was priceless.


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

1. Roommates always come with a lot of drama don’t they?


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2. OP’s roommate stopped paying rent and utilities, revealing financial issues previously unknown. They lived together during OP’s college days.


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3. OP and her roommate signed separate leases due to past issues with unpaid rent. OP was responsible for utilities like electricity, cable, and internet.


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4. OP’s roommate claimed difficulty paying utilities but discussed luxury vacations and a new car, leading OP to question her financial priorities.


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5. OP, skilled with computers, locked her roommate out of the internet but kept her boyfriend’s phone connected, causing frustration and confusion.


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6. OP restricted her roommate’s TV access by blacklisting her favorite shows, unaffected as she rarely watched TV herself.


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7. OP discovers her roommate isn’t paying rent. Despite it not being her problem, she messes with electricity, causing confusion.

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8. OP convinced her roommate her hair dryer caused electrical issues, leading her to buy multiple dryers, prolonging the ruse until moving out.


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9. OP never received payment from her roommate, but finds satisfaction in her actions. She had discussed the issue with her before resorting to control.

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Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

10. OP, your roommate’s behavior was unacceptable. Your actions were justified given her disregard for financial responsibilities.


11. College ex story.

12. She got what she deserved.


13. Kudos to OP.

14. People like the story.


15. OP’s roommate’s irresponsible spending warranted consequences.

16. Hilarious but true.


17. Do you also think the boyfriend is the hero?

18. Bad roommates stories are everywhere, I guess?


19. This could be a good way to deal with it.

20. OP’s roommate’s lack of responsibility left her with no other choice. NTA.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

Cat tax

“Say hi to Carrot.”

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