Great Danes are big dogs with big hearts.
Great Danes are one of the most majestic dog breeds out there. Known for their large size and gentle demeanor, they make great pets for anyone looking for a loyal and affectionate companion. While some people may be intimidated by their size, Great Danes are actually known for being incredibly sweet and friendly dogs. They love to cuddle up with their owners and are great with children and other pets. However, it’s important to keep in mind that their size requires plenty of space and exercise, so they may not be the best fit for apartment living.
Great Danes are massive dogs and are known for their size – they can weigh up to 200 pounds and stand up to 32 inches tall at the shoulder but what really sets them apart is their charming and friendly personalities. Despite their imposing size, Great Danes are typically very good-natured and love to play. They have a lot of energy and require regular exercise but they are also content to just hang out with their humans and snuggle up on the couch. They are always eager to please their owners. So, if you are someone who owns a Great Dane or loves big dogs, you are just at the right place. We have compiled 50 adorable photos of our huggable Great Danes to make your day better. So, scroll down if you want to smile.
1. “My Great Dane is always cold during the winter and it’s hard to find clothes in her size so my friend made her some pajamas.”
Source: CanIPetThatFrog
2. Aww, that’s an expressive doggo:
Source: Anaïs Hayden
3. “Corbin, the kitten Whisperer, surrogate mom, foster dad. He is happiest when he’s covered in kittens.”
Source: corbin_fosters
4. Grandma and great Grandson sitting on their favorite couch:
Source: kpes
5. Here is Belle to brighten up your day:
Source: belle_thedane
6. This cutie is taking care of this newborn baby:
Source: Fabulous7708
7. “It’s 55 in Indiana today and I’m melting.”
Source: lokithelittle
8. “Hiding after being fussed at.”
Source: wattzilla
9. The happy doggos:
Source: whythankyew
10. An updated photo:
Source: Ashlyn Mellstrom
11. “I think the picture says it all:”
Source: Particular-Ant387
12. “The many sleeping positions of Jane the Dane”
Source: Zalumar
13. “Zero Personal Space With A Great Dane”
Source: groot.the.great.dane
14. “Happy birthday Huhu 14 years old amazing for a Great Dane”
Source: vandriver8888
15. “My Great Dane in his snowsuit – I can’t not laugh at him”
Source: Money-Penny
16. “That annoying moment when you take a selfie, and your ears look perfect but your face looks horrific”
Source: myotherusernameisbetter_
17. “My best friend is the size of my paw “
Source: myaussietribe
18. “That moment when you realize, you need to reevaluate your life”
Source: CircusFreakOnStilts
19. “I grew faster in 8 months than my hooman in 29 years.”
Source: vincent.the.dane
20. “This kid walking his dog”
Source: ramseyyyyyyyy
21. “I said “Tiny did you sleep all day?!? That seems lazy!” She laughed at me. #lazygreatdane”
Source: Djoybarg
22. The kitchen is perfectly built for the Great Dane:
Source: my_dane_xander
23. “My sister’s great dane is something else.”
Source: kawkmajik
24. How adorable is this photo!
Source: iristhebluegreatdane
25. The blue-eyed 7-week-Old Great Dane:
Source: Laura Simmons
One thing that is important to keep in mind when it comes to Great Danes is that they don’t always have a good sense of their own size. They are such big dogs that they can accidentally knock things over or bump into people without meaning to. They’re not aggressive but they can be a little clumsy at times. Another thing to remember is that Great Danes can be a little stubborn when it comes to training. They are very smart dogs and have a mind of their own and can be a bit independent at times. However, with patience and consistency, they can be trained to be obedient and well-behaved.
One of the best things about Great Danes is how affectionate they are. They are often referred to as “gentle giants” because of their loving and gentle nature. They are very loyal to their owners and will often follow them around the house, just wanting to be near them. These silly giants are also great with other pets and make excellent family dogs.
26. Just a one-year difference:
Source: greatdane_ernesto
27. “Just one of the guys”
Source: anotherdirtyword
28. Great Dane Kayaking:
Source: Sara Booyow
29. “For anyone not finding reasons to smile in this #SeattleSnowpocalypse, I’ll give you a Cody (Boxer) and Athena (Great Dane) showing how to truly enjoy a snow day.”
Source: Photog_Jim_WTSP
30. “Today A Man And His Great Dane Got Into The Train. It Was Crowded, He Told The Dog To Stand Up And The Dog Stood On Two Legs And Rode The Train Through The Transbay Tube”
Source: seanherron
31. When she wants to help with the drawing:
Source: BuddytheblueGD
32. “Ok, I’m ready to dock!”
Source: barkhaus
33. That’s Polo:
Source: tiss_salamanca
34. “Hello! I’m Brewski and these are my cushions.”
Source: bigboy_brewski
35. “Our great dane, Clue, likes to play with socks & underwear. My sister just sent me this while I’m at work… “Spiderman””
Source: dodoDoesFly
36. “Dane puppy vs tiny human.”
Source: Rude_Stable5588
37. “She just loves him so much!”
Source: UsedPersimmon6768
38. “Here, I only weigh a ton, lemme just take a nap on you!”
Source: brooklinnbridge
39. Anna, the Great Dane:
Source: anna_the_great_dane
40. “My Dane after getting fixed. He stayed this way for an hour”
Source: pulp_friction17
41. Sasha enjoying at the beach:
Source: sashas_danes
42. That’s wholesome:
Source: coop_and_charlie
43. “My friend made Dr. Who PJs for my Great Dane because she’s always cold and pitiful during winter time.”
Source: irelaxolotl
44. “The moment you see your life flash before your eyes as this giant beast tries to sit in your lap..”
Source: majaandrosie
45. “My big sister is so nice to let me be the little spoon.”
Source: thor_theblueharlequin
46. “Me: Eats snack while also looking for another snack”
Source: myotherusernameisbetter_
47. It is nap time:
Source: bigboy_brewski
48. “My laid back 11.5 year old Great Dane lady rode in style on a gurney in the vet’s office. She’s barely mobile anymore and this setup kept her off her feet and comfortable the whole time.”
Source: AlaskaTech1
49. “my Mom vs a 10 month old Great Dane.”
Source: Noback68
50. “Andddd in the spirit of throwbacks here’s another of my moms favorite’s (if you haven’t heard I’m at doggo school right now!) …. fun fact about this photo – the collar I’m wearing when I’m V Tall doesn’t even fit anymore – and the collar in the first two photos is soo smol it barely fits my sister from another mister Tilly”
Source: iristhebluegreatdane
Great Danes are a wonderful breed for anyone looking for a loving and playful companion. If you are considering to add a Great Dane to your family, be prepared for a lot of love and laughter!
Here is your cat tax:
Source: Reddit
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