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Guy Gets Phone Number, Karen Gave Out His Number, Rude Old Owner’s Family And Friends Keep Calling So He Started Trolling Them

Many individuals opt to change their phone numbers for various reasons. However, problems can arise when the previous owner of the number continues to give it out unintentionally or fails to update their contacts with the new number. This can lead to the current holder of the number receiving calls and messages intended for someone else. Over time, this can become quite frustrating and inconvenient, as the new owner has to deal with calls and texts that are not meant for them, confusing and sometimes even more serious issues.

This story introduces us to a frustrated individual pushed to the edge of despair. The OP acquired a new phone number two years prior. Since activating the number, he has been receiving calls from friends and family trying to reach the previous owner. After locating a mailing address, OP contacted the woman who appeared to be the former owner of the phone number, hoping to stop the constant stream of texts and calls. Unexpectedly, the woman declined to cooperate with OP and displayed no empathy or understanding.

Continue scrolling down to read the complete story.

Source: Reddit

1. Look what you made me do!!


2. You never expect something to last as long as it does until you reflect on it later.


3. Two years ago, after getting a new phone number, the OP was inundated with calls from friends, family, and debt collectors looking for the previous owner, a woman by a specific name.


4. In the initial months, the OP explained to callers that the previous owner must have changed their number. However, the issue persisted because the woman was still distributing the OP’s number.


5. One day, the woman logged into her coffee app, and the sign-up code was sent to the OP’s phone. The OP used the code to access the account, finding the woman’s email address. Now, OP can inform her about the ongoing issue and hopefully resolve it.


6. Using the obtained information, the OP contacted her, expressing the ongoing issue and asking her to stop giving out the wrong number.


7. She labelled the OP as a stalker and blocked his email. Despite the warning, she continued to give out the wrong number.

8. A month back, OP cancelled her school application. Then he also cancelled her dental appointment.


9. OP intends to change the number once a personal issue is resolved but admits to enjoying the ongoing situation. Meanwhile, the woman continues to distribute the incorrect number.

10. OP received warnings about facing 25 years in Federal Prison for the situation. However, they argue they are merely reacting to the woman’s actions.


11. OP clarified they were venting due to a recent frustrating incident.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. 

12. Tell her friends or family she’s in jail for illegal activities. and for professional calls, don’t cancel but reschedule so she misses them.


13. Modify the appointment times to earlier or the next day to incur cancellation fees. Keep accumulating those fees.

14. Please keep us updated! This is entertaining!!


15. You warned her of your plan, and she still fell for it. Love this!

16. Since you have her email, register for as many things as possible!


17. It’s baffling why people behave this way. Missing crucial calls or texts can be risky and have serious consequences.

18. She can’t claim she wasn’t warned!


19. After five years, my phone still rings for someone named Jonathan. This tactic is genius!

20. Dealing with this for 6 years plus previous residents’ warrants led to surprise police visits. Quite the adventure!


In the age of digital communication, a simple oversight led to a frustrating and ongoing predicament for one individual. Despite multiple attempts to rectify the situation, the previous owner of the phone number continued to give out the wrong contact information. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the unintended consequences of not updating personal information and the need for mutual understanding and cooperation in resolving such issues. Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


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