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People Share the Problems Their Names Have Given Them And It Is Hilarious

people problems

Names can have a significant impact on one’s personal identity.

Names have a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves and others. Whether given at birth or chosen later in life, our names can have cultural, familial, and personal significance. The power of a name stems from its ability to shape our identity and influence our interactions with the world. I understand that not everyone will agree with this because it is just a name, but for many of us, a name can carry a lot of weight, even if it is just a nickname. It can be a source of pride, a connection to one’s heritage, or even a burden, depending on the situation. Finally, our names are an essential component of who we are and how we navigate the world.


That is why people who think mocking someone’s name is funny are simply bullies. Mispronouncing someone’s name accidentally is fine, but doing it on purpose is never acceptable behaviour. We cannot forget about autocorrect. While it may be acceptable for a Western name, it will usually butcher ethnic names. I can’t count how many times autocorrect has spelled my name incorrectly. To be fair, even teachers at school used to frequently mispronounce or misspell my name. Well, I’m not alone; many people are dealing with this issue and have decided to share it on Twitter.

Scroll down to take a look for yourself.

Source: Twitter

#1 So autocorrect seems to think all Sarah’s are Satan.


#2 It is a funny joke once or twice, but nine months is way too long.


#3 Did these people never watch the high school musical?


#4 Kids can be very cruel.


#5 Okay, this may be mean but I can’t stop laughing.


Via Twitter

#6 I do feel bad for anyone who is actually named Karen.


#7 What is wrong with autocorrect that it thinks Hilary and Hula Hoop are even close?

#8 We even have Ellen from Outisdextra here.


#9 A Lemur who is a Yankee as well?

#10 I bet people with the name Alexa feel the same.


Via Twitter

#11 That must be awful to deal with.

#12 They really were full of sh*t.


#13 I can just imagine the bullying that kids got up to.

#14 That must be exhausting to hear again and again.


#15 How is George even on the same planet as the others?

Via Twitter

I honestly don’t get why mispronouncing someone’s name is amusing. I’ve seen so many people do it, and it’s always cringey. Now, if you’re using puns and not crossing a line, that’s fine, but many people go too far and refuse to stop when you tell them to. After all, ‘it’s just a joke, mate’.

#16 We have another Karen here.


#17 When even the autocorrect bullies you.

#18 To be fair, we are all primates at the end of the day.


#19 We finally found Banksy!

#20 Jim clearly doesn’t need pronouns.


Via Twitter

Have you ever had someone deliberately mispronounce your name, or was it an accident? Have you done it to anyone else? Please let us know in the comments section below. Remember to share these tweets with your friends so that they can share their own similar experiences.


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