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Woman Tells Her Ex-Husband And Kids To Get A Job Because She Will Not Give Them Any Money

Navigating the financial responsibilities of children after a divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process. The division of financial obligations between ex-spouses, coupled with the evolving needs and expectations of growing children, often presents challenges that require delicate balancing. This situation underscores the importance of clear communication, setting boundaries, and understanding the distinction between parental support and individual financial responsibilities in the aftermath of a marital split.


Facing these mounting pressures, OP felt overwhelmed and conflicted. OP after divorcing her 49-year-old husband due to his controlling behaviour and resentment over her higher income, agreed to let her two children, aged 15 and 16 years, stay with their father. Before leaving, she generously offered to continue paying the mortgage on their family home to ensure stability for the kids. However, within the first year post-divorce, her children increasingly demanded more financial support, citing their father’s unemployment as the reason. As the situation escalated, OP realized the importance of setting clear boundaries and communicating openly with her children and ex-husband. While she remained committed to supporting her children, she also recognized the need to prioritize her financial well-being.

Continue scrolling down to read the complete story.

Source: Reddit

1. OP contemplates if she is an AH for telling her ex-husband and children they need to work and she won’t give them money.


2. OP and her husband divorced 3 years ago due to his controlling behaviour and resentment over her higher income. They have two children together.


3. After the divorce, the children chose to live with their father. As OP was the primary earner, she allowed her husband to keep the house for the kids’ sake and agreed to continue paying the mortgage.


4. Within the first year post-divorce, her children increasingly demanded more financial support, citing their father’s unemployment as the reason for turning to her for money.


5. OP explained she couldn’t cover the extra expenses as she also had financial needs. In response, they criticized her and accused her of being a neglectful mother.


6. For two years, OP had no contact with them. One day upon returning home, she found her ex-husband waiting, who immediately asked her to cover the children’s rent and provide monthly funds for their food.


7. She offered to cover 2/3 of the expenses, insisting they contribute as well.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. 

8. What did you guys decide for the child support???


9. Seems everyone’s overspending and viewing you as a cash machine. It might be wise to consult a lawyer regarding child support.

10. Where’s the child support? Why didn’t it raise concerns that the kids were living with a father unable to cover the expenses?


11. Why was there a two-year gap in communication with your kids?

12. Aligning with past decisions, prioritize supporting your kids directly, not their father’s expenses. Legal representation and a court decision are crucial, as is increasing involvement in your kids’ lives.


13. OP is in the wrong for cutting off communication with her minor children for 2 years. Unbelievable.

14. A Redditor shared their story where their ex demanded triple the child support; after spending $6000 in court, a judge determined a fair amount. An objective third party is crucial to prevent unfair demands and help the kids understand the reason.


15. The Redditor emphasized that an objective third party is crucial to prevent unfair demands and help the kids understand the reason.

16. If the genders were reversed, people would be criticizing OP. You’re divorced, he has the kids, and as the breadwinner, you should be paying child support. Simply paying for the house isn’t enough.


17. If my ex-husband showed up at my door asking for money, I’d be calling 911 immediately.

18. Nothing makes sense in this story….a lot of things are missing to come to a consensus.


19. You believe you have no financial responsibility towards your children after the divorce? Your perspective appears to lack understanding and compassion.

20. NTA, but your ex and kids appear entitled, expecting money whenever they call or show up.


The Reddit community was divided in their responses. Some supported OP, stressing the importance of teaching her children self-sufficiency and responsibility. Others believed in finding a middle ground, suggesting that OP should offer some support while encouraging her kids to contribute. This situation sparks varied opinions, and we’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter so do share them in the comments section below.

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