When new supervisors are appointed in companies, they attempt to establish new regulations for the employees who fall under their supervision. The adjustment annoyed the subordinates because they had become accustomed to the previous system and worked successfully by adhering to it in their daily routine. Newcomers must recognize that if the work is operating smoothly, making adjustments may be a waste of time and effort.
OP was doing a good job for the organization, with three days of remote work and two days of office work. OP’s partner had a field job, so they got up early and started their day before others. The former manager was pleased with OP’s prompt completion of the task because of the one-hour early arrival to the office, as the boss received the work on her desk as soon as she came to the workplace. Following the hiring of the new manager, OP received criticism for departing early from the office. Soon, she urged OP to change the routine and stay till everyone’s departure time. OP heeded her command and began arriving on time, one hour later than the prior time. As a result, the boss became irritated with not receiving tasks on time and chastised the new manager. Read the entire article to understand the lesson OP taught the manager, and share your thoughts in the comments.
Source: Reddit
1. The new manager prohibited OP from doing their job in flexible hours and later regretted it.

2. OP had a nice career that required two days of office work and three days of remote work. OP’s partner worked in a field that required early mornings, so they began work early.

3. OP began working one hour earlier than the office schedule and left one hour early. OP finished work before the boss arrived, so she was satisfied with OP’s performance.

4. A new office manager was hired by OP’s company, and she made insidious comments criticizing OP for his remote timing from other employees.

5. The new manager prohibited OP from leaving the workplace an hour earlier since it gave the wrong message to the new hires. OP was forced to accept but stated that people were motivated by the excellent performance regardless of the amount of time.

6. OP arrived on time, however, the work done before the arrival of the boss was not completed on time. The manager wanted OP to arrive earlier but leave the company at the scheduled hour for everyone, which was not possible.

7. After exhibiting that she was providing a great favor, OP’s manager allowed her to resume her previous schedule. However, OP turned down the extra favor, stating that going for a morning walk was more beneficial than arriving at work early.

Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.
8. Yes, OP taught her the right lesson.

9. Redditor hopes that the new manager’s tenure will be brief.

10. Yes, OP’s reply was savage!

11. Certainly! Keeping the office in order is the office manager’s responsibility; managing personnel is not.

12. Yes, different companies have different criteria regarding the position assigned to the management faculty.

13. Redditor thinks that it would be better to inform the boss about the delay caused because of the new manager’s orders.

14. A Redditor believes that the OP ought to notify the appropriate authorities that the office manager is to blame for the work’s delay.

15. Redditor enjoys OP’s reply to the manager.

16. Redditor condemns the management for making distinctions between themselves and their staff members.

17. The management requires Redditors to put in extra labor, yet overtime is not permitted.

18. Redditor enjoys the story very much.

19. Yes, she had to apologize to OP for her behavior.

20. Redditor does not understand the concept of office manager.

The OP completed the entire eight-hour work ahead of schedule, allowing the boss to have everything at her table early. After the new manager ordered OP not to leave the workplace early, OP arrived at 9 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. and began work shortly after. As the manager was criticized by the boss for the late work, she requested that OP return to the former routine. She did not want to accept her fault, so she told OP that she was doing an extra favor to permit coming and leaving the office early, which OP declined for not wanting to take any benefit from her. What is your opinion about OP’s decision to not come in the manager’s trick? Write your comments about it, and stay connected with Defused for more stories.
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