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27 People Shared The Most Obvious Things That They Just Realised

Reality can be often shocking.

Exploration is an ongoing process. There is no human on this planet who knows everything. You are always learning by the day. I mean, think of all the post-doctorate degree holders, they are considered specialists but even those guys are always on the lookout, searching for new research papers, case studies to improve their knowledge. And the reason for this is people tend to apply whatever they learn new, to their lives for a better possible outcome. Unless you’re a Master of the Mystic Arts, it is not possible for you to know everything. We just improvise with life, that is how it is.

It’s a relative equation where one person would have more knowledge, more facts stocked in their brain, than the other. And they are always on the mission to transfer that knowledge to those who don’t possess this. Amidst all this knowledge sharing, there are some things that get left out, the most obvious things that the most knowledgable even forget to register.  So today we’ve got just that for you.

We’ve got statements and declarations of people sharing with the world how they only recently got to know about something so obvious and they kinda kick themselves for not knowing it, which makes the whole thing funny and hilarious. Perhaps, you guys could learn something you had no idea about previously.

Here are 27 of those hilarious instances. Scroll down below to enjoy and please don’t feel ashamed for not knowing any one of those, we are in the same boat here.

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1. Greektown…Greece…Oh, I get it.


To be fair though, it’s not their fault. At times you can’t see the obvious. But did she never ask anyone about the lights there?

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2. Congratulations sir, you have just uncovered one of the rarest facts there is to exist in the world.


She is not a rabbit, I can’t on this one.

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3. But did you ever witness someone who had multiple stigmatisms? I don’t think so.


It’s like those song lyrics that you suddenly realize were something else and you had been singing it wrong the whole time.

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4. Wait a minute, what does that wheel do then? I am lost.


Are you telling me that the wheel is a gimic? What? My whole life was a lie.

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5. We always learn something new every day, like this beautiful fact.


So it’s a nickname and if they were to name it using the original term, it would be called The Gramaphone goes to…What is a rapper going to do with a gramophone?

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6. Damn, doggieboy5 over here had to do 18 years of waiting. What a patient lad.


You even I am failing to understand some of these. These are pure facts and helping me increase my knowledge.

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7. Hmm, I wonder what else did your friend used that pipe cleaner for, if it wasn’t being used for cleaning pipes…

These revelations are turning my head in directions it hadn’t before.

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8. Even I used to think allspice is like a glamorous blend of them all.

Can confirm, it is not. And I couldn’t believe it when my mother broke the news to me.


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9. You have got to be kidding me.

Guys, I just googled it. This is true.

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10. Why is it that I relate to all of these? Was I that dumb?


I need to reconsider the approach I have taken towards life because everything is falling apart right now.

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11. Why would you want to know the height of a robber? I’d run like flash if I saw one.

I think gas stations went a little overboard with this one.

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12. I knew this one.

Fam, no offence but how did you spend 30 years of your life without knowing that howdy means what’s up?


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13. My girl called deserts “Sand Lands”. God help this generation.

Do they not teach geography in their town?

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14. Are you telling me you have never communicated with someone who is from another country than yours?


Britishers never believe they have an accent. They have a solid one.

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These are so hilarious. Like some of these realizations even I didn’t know so thanks for the knowledge but the way these people have shared it, is absolute hilarity.

15. That’s not a revelation. That’s just a classic strategy that you failed to understand my friend.

How else would Santa know what to get your ass or the fact that you are interested in lipsticks these days and your love for legos has expired?

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16. Houston, we’ve got a problem. Humans of Earth are way too dumb.

I’m just playing cool yall, even I didn’t know this.


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17. Hold on a minute, which one did this person think was the original then?

You can’t say she covered it when you haven’t even heard the original song. Dumb!

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18. Holy…now that is a bomb drop. I did not know this.


Cruella de…I am in shock.

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19. Oi! Oi! Public house sounds so much cooler. I am never calling them pubs again.

Now that I know pubss is actually short for something, it feels like same as using idk, or ootd in real life.

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20. It is, indeed, a very clever name. Wearhouse.


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21. Oh for god’s sake we used to play a custom game called lock-lock with those knobs.

Those knob locks were the real deal back in the day.

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22. Not gonna lie, this is kinda cute. But also very dumb from the children. Like how could you not realize it is the same thing?

You’re telling me you used to consider them as belly buttons till the age of 27?


Wow, 27? You were kept in the dark for quite some time, eh?

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23. I used to watch WWE when I was young and used to always think they call their events paper view.

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24. God bless you, human.

That’s how my mom used to feed me eggs as a child.


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25. You have got to be a little thick to find joy in such things, don’t you think?

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26. I refuse to believe this is true. I just fully refuse it. No further comments.


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27. I feel for you.

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I hope you guys enjoyed it. Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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