As a parent, it’s often difficult to truly grasp the way your child’s intelligence has progressed over the years. One day your kid is just a kid, eating sand in the playground like an idiot the moment you look away for a second to talk to a fellow parent, and the next day he’s asking you whether you know why the sky isn’t fully white if it has an infinite number of stars in it. It can feel a little fast-paced from time to time. As your kid grows older and older with every passing day sometimes they say things out of the blue that can leave you feeling a little proud of how far their brains have come.
But then again, we can’t forget all the times when they make us feel genuinely concerned for how they’re being influenced when they say the most bizarre realistic things that make you realize “Oh God! We should’ve sugarcoated that for you a little”. Despite the horror of seeing your child start to perceive the world for what it truly is, seeing them make these witty comments is true comedic entertainment in itself. For that reason, we’ve compiled these witty exchanges of children with their parents that are sure to bring a little spark of joy into your life and maybe even bring a smile to your face today!
1. Well… Uh… You see honey…


3. Wow! Did not see that one coming!

4. Ooh, she knows!

5. That is one precious kid!

6. That kid is living realistically…

7. Post pictures of him! Xan wants to be famous!

8. Ouch!

9. Why does every toddler wants to be a grown-up?!

10. Talk about a passive-aggressive attitude!

11. What an adorable 5-year-old!

12. Keep holding on to those big dreams kiddo!

13. That is not an ordinary 5-year-old!

14. This sounds super adorable!

15. That kid has ruined meatballs forever!

16. How can a pillow not be “soft enough”?!

17. At least he placed a sign so that no one would slip.

18. Whenever your kid says “Can I tell you a secret?”, brace yourself for literally anything!

19. “Snack holes” should be made a universal term for pockets!

20. That, right there, is parenting done right!!

21. Just make him sit behind…

22. “Now I’m free!”

23. That kid is going places!

24. Where did he learn to take revenge like that?!

25. That kid is a born nail artist!

It’s likely that you read an unending stack of parenting books and even made a vow to your partner that you’d do everything the opposite of what your parents did before having your child. Some of you may have felt secure in your parenting choices for your baby who wasn’t yet a challenge because they hadn’t yet been born, but who was going to be one later on. The contrary is true: children adapt to their environment by observing and learning from their surroundings. So all you have to do is look after their environment, and your children will grow up to be intelligent and amazing human beings. When you first brought your child home, you probably realized that there is no manual for parenting. There isn’t a single method to be a parent that is “correct.” Share your kids’ hilarious talks and antics with us in the comments section below!