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15 Pets That Would Win Gold In “Good Boy” Competition

Every dog eventually turns into a good boy, but at times, when these creatures are not on their best behaviors, then it’s nearly impossible for us to scold them or punish them. Why? Because of their innocent expressions, their sad floppy ears, and the way they sit in front of us after creating a mess. Whether they chewed our shoes or created a mess in the kitchen, we simply ignore these kinds of stuff. We fail to utter a word or are unable to say anything to them and always end up with loads of hugs and cuddles.

We all adore our pets, and they are willing to demonstrate their affection in a variety of ways. When we’re sick, some of them provide their support, while others share their favorite toys. When we see these amazing pets, we at Bright Side can’t help but smile. Scroll down to see 15 of such good boys.

1. This is Della. She knows she is not allowed to have the squeakers out of toys, so she shamefully brings them to us when she gets one out so we can take it and throw it away”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

2. “My neighbor’s dog always brings me an apple whenever I walk by.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

3. “It’s difficult to tell, but one of my dogs assisted with mowing the lawn.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

4. “My dog is so adorable he loves to help me gardening.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

5. “This is Dexter who lives down the lane from me. Every time he comes to visit, he brings a pine cone that he’s picked up along the way as a gift. 41 pine cones and counting!”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

6. “Priscilla brought me her favorite toy to make me feel better while I’m sick.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

7. “My lawyer has a rescue pit/bulldog mix in his office. I was super-stressed and he helped a lot.”

3. “When she observes that I am sad, she comes to me with her treats to cheer me up.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition
9. “The neighbor’s cat brings me jalapeños from my garden. He’s so proud. Good kitty!”

10. “He brought me my slippers when I woke up. Didn’t teach him this.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

11. “Been going through a hard time lately and was going to sleep on my friend’s foldout only to find my usually shy girl waiting for me. Stayed with me all night.”

12. “My truffle hunter with the 18 oz of white truffles she found today.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

13. “This is Maggie, my grandad’s old girl. She doesn’t get as much attention anymore, but she always brings you a leaf. You can’t actually have the leaf, she just wants you to be proud.”

14. “My friend’s dog brought me a turkey feather while visiting.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition

15. “It’s always helpful to have an assistant when building IKEA furniture.”

15 Pets That Would Absolutely Crush It in a “Good Boy” Competition
Did you like these pets as good boys? We know that you adored them. Share if you have any relatable stories. Stay tuned for more.

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