Seeing your dogs grow up after adopting them as newborns are the sweetest thing ever. You were there with them throughout the process. You fed them, helped them litter, cleaned them, bathed them, helped them walk, and whatnot. It is nice to know that you were a parent for these adorable creatures and they have come such a long way.
Scroll down to check some adorable transformation pictures. Seeing a tiny creature turn into a big one is astronomical!
1. He’s so big, it is hard to hold him with only two arms.
2. “Nugget. Nine weeks vs. two years!”
3. “Cora Bean at three months and one year!”
4. His face got bigger!
5. We sleep better when we cuddle.
6. Loki after six months of growth!
7. Arya serving looks!
8. He learned how to pose over the years.
9. Who gave him a black eye?
“Church at six weeks (18 lbs), vs. Church at 10 months (161 lbs). ♥️” —erynd4aa600e4f
10. Glowed up so much, he is unrecognizable!
11. Is that a dog or a stuffed toy?
12. First he only covered the stomach, now he would cover the owner’s whole upper body and more!
13. Dog is happy he can reach his human’s face on his own feet!
14. Yes, I am no longer a child. Respect by adult existence!
“Moose living up to his name at 115 pounds.” —lindsaybbrowning
15. I show my teeth to show how strong I am!
16. Sleeping buddies!
He is too big to sleep on top of his owner. He had to shift on the side!
17. Cuteness award goes to…
18. Damn, he got huge!
His face is bigger than two human faces combined!
19. The only one who changed in the picture is the dog.
20. First I hid between my human’s arms, now her arms are hidden under me!
21. I am made of pure cotton!
22. It was cold so my human gave me a beenie!
23. We both are allowed to enter the pub now!
24. They are elementary-going school kids in the first picture, and middle school kids in the second one.
“Maggie (Miniature Australian Shepherd) at 12 weeks vs. Maggie at 15 months.” —tiffanycs998
26. Let me lick you human!
27. They both outgrew their childhood.
Seeing transformation pictures makes you want to adopt a tiny dog and see them grow into beautiful adults. It is a whole journey. They would fit perfectly in between your arms like a baby but would be bigger than your whole body when they get older. They would not even take a quarter of the space of your bed when they are younger but would make the bed look like a miniature bed when they are on it as adults. It is a beautiful process.
Send your dog’s transformation picture to make every dog lover’s day a special one!