You love your dog more than anything. You treat your furry friend like your own child, and you can’t stop showing off their pictures on social media. Your dog makes your life better with their affection, fun, loyalty, and greatness.
But some people take their love for their dogs too far. That’s what happened to the couple in our story today. The boyfriend became obsessed with a dog they rescued from the road, and he neglected his girlfriend completely. They had been dating for a year, but everything changed when the dog entered their home. Their relationship turned into a nightmare, as the boyfriend only cared about the dog. He would cuddle with the dog in bed, and ignore his girlfriend’s needs. He would accuse her of being jealous and hating the dog, whenever she complained.
Fed up, the girlfriend took the matter to the internet by sharing her story on Reddit and asked for advice. Scroll down below to read the story!
Source: u/kiwigoon
1. Okay? Aren’t all pet owners obsessed with their pets?
2. OP and her boyfriend rescued his dog while they were in Spain. It was there in the middle of the road and they just couldn’t let it stay there.
3. Initially the plan wasn’t to keep the dog but the boyfriend got so attached to it that decided to continue with the relationship.
4. The boyfriend cares so much about the dog that she now feels she doesn’t exist in his life anymore.
5. She says he wakes and the first thing he does in the morning is get dressed and walk his dog. He doesn’t cuddle with her the way they used to.
6. In a small space, she feels uncomfortable while he loves it with the dog.
7. She wants to be with him in the bed, and get intimate but says the dog in his life doesn’t let it happen.
8. OP doesn’t openly show it to her boyfriend but she absolutely hates the dog because it has taken him away from her.
9. The dog even destroyed OP’s money in one instance which only made the case worse.
10. The couple even entered heated arguments over something that the dog would do to piss OP off in the first place.
What is going on here? To be honest, this story could’ve been told in a much better, precise way. OP is repeating a lot of things. Anyways, the point from her side is clear. She does not like her boyfriend’s dog. But I don’t see why the dog is being blamed. The dog hasn’t bitten OP or anything yet. It seems like a very well-behaved animal and OP’s boyfriend is doing exactly what dog owners are supposed to do.
I think she needs to sit down with her boyfriend to talk this through. Let her in on her feelings properly and then come to a conclusion. Don’t rant in the air, it doesn’t get anything done.
Source: u/kiwigoon
11. OP shared she has dreams to travel and explore but she wants to do it with her boyfriend and the dog won’t let that happen.
12. According to her, his life is stuck because of that dog.
13. Whenever OP argues about their relationship lacking intimacy, he calls her selfish and jealous.
14. OP says it isn’t like she doesn’t do anything for the dog, she fully looks after it.
15. Back home she has 8 dogs and none of them are like her boyfriend’s dog.
16. Everything was easier back when the dog wasn’t part of their lives.
17. Anything a couple would ideally do, this couple can’t and OP blames the dog for it.
18. OP even went on to say her boyfriend isn’t a responsible person. If he can’t be responsible for himself, how does he plan to be a responsible boyfriend and dog owner?
19. She doesn’t get the s*x she wants, she doesn’t get anything she wants from her boyfriend.
20. Things just aren’t the same between this couple anymore.
21. OP has tried to explain her feelings to her boyfriend but he doesn’t move on from calling her selfish.
Source: u/kiwigoon
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
22. Leave if you want to leave. Complaining will not help.
23. It is being with him that makes you feel alone. It’s about your relationship with your boyfriend. No one else needs to be blamed for this.
Via hideable
24. OP blaming the dog is only allowing her boyfriend to hinge on this as he does what he wants to do.
Via BeefamDev
25. He was doing what all good pet owners do. The problem is with OP.
Via lalalota
26. Perhaps this is how it is.
Via Squirmingbaby
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Cat tax.
“This is Cinnamon, she likes to make you uncomfortable while you use the bathroom.”
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