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Sister Who Got Divorced Because She Refused To Work Berates Her Sister For Not Letting Her Stay


OP’s sister, 33, faced divorce for quitting her job and sought alimony unsuccessfully. Now unemployed, she wants OP, a PhD student, to support her. Despite having a college degree, the sister shows no effort to find work. OP, having secured a small apartment for herself, refuses to accommodate her sister and does not want financial responsibility post-PhD. The sister’s ex-husband is a devoted father with 50/50 custody. The family, including parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, pressures OP to support the sister. Seeking advice on handling this situation, OP emphasizes her sister’s capability to work and expresses her reluctance to provide financial support.


OP’s sister (33/F) divorced because she wanted to quit her job and be a stay-at-home mom. Her ex-husband disagreed, leading to the divorce.


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OP’s sister insisted on quitting her job and keeping household help. Her husband disagreed, leading to her quitting and, eventually, their divorce.


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OP’s sister sought alimony after quitting her job, but the court ruled against her as she voluntarily left. Shared custody of their child was granted.


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The court mandated equal custody, alternating holidays and birthdays. No child support is required since their incomes were similar.


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The court considered my sister’s former job and her ability to work as income. They rented, and her ex-husband covered bills to protect their son and his credit. The lease isn’t paid beyond March.


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OP’s sister lost her appeal for alimony and child support, has no job, and can’t afford her apartment. She wants OP to support her financially and live together.


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Parents sold their house, moved to a small apartment for seniors. OP is single, pursuing her PhD. Sister wants to live with her; how to handle the pressure?

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Cousins have families, no room for sister. Parents can’t afford to support her.


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Single, completing PhD, living alone. Sister wants bigger place, financial support. OP needs advice on handling family pressure.

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Navigating family pressure. Single, finishing PhD, sister wants support. Seeking advice to manage expectations and encourage sister to work.


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Managing family expectations: Sister quit job, wants support. OP, finishing PhD, seeks advice to assert boundaries, encourage sister’s independence, and deflect pressure.

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Here’s a TLDR on the story.


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“He fluffy.”

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