A pet’s mood can change on a dime.
One minute they want to cuddle up with you and keep you warm. The other they don’t even wanna touch you let alone look at you. And no matter how bipolar they get, we still love them.
Since stories like these remind us that our beloved pets are intelligent. Even if they hide it really well when they are sniffing their own butts. Following are some of the best stories of animals being so intelligent that they actually saved lives.
From dogs alerting their owner to potential home intruders to cats alarming someone about their sickness, these will definitely surprise you.
#1 This cat deserves an award for all the trouble she went through.

This is a completely true story. Weird, but true, and shows a really impressive level of intelligence in my cat. It happened when I was a teenager. I’m sitting on the couch, and my cat walks into the room and starts meowing loudly, but not coming to me. So I stand up and go toward him, and he starts walking away, so I follow.
He leads me, meowing the whole way and looking back to make sure I’m following, to the bathroom. Weird, right? Just wait.
So we’re in the bathroom, and he hops up on the toilet and, get this, he PEES IN IT. I was floored. One, he peed in the toilet. Like a person. He’d never done that before. It’s impressive that he knew what a toilet was for. But two, he brought me there to show me. Why? This is where the real intelligence comes into it.
Well, he stops peeing and turns to look into the toilet and then looks at me. So I look in the toilet. It’s full of blood. He had a terrible kidney infection (as the vet later confirmed), and this is how he told me.
Think of all the things he had to understand to do this!! He had to know he was sick and in which part of his body the infection was. He had to know that the bathroom was the place where I deal with the part of my body that matches up with his sick part. He had to know what a toilet was for and how to use it. And he knew that if I understood the problem, I’d be able to fix it.
Seriously, that cat was incredible.
#2 The amazing cockatoo with control fantasies.

We used to have a cockatoo, as well as some cats and dogs. We were teaching the dogs some tricks, and the cockatoo was just doing his bird thing. Every day, the same routine: get some treats, call the dogs, sit, stay, lay down, rollover, get a treat, etc.
One night we were watching TV and hear the cockatoo call the dog by name. “Sit. Stay. Lay down. Roll over. Good Boy”. We heard something hit the floor, and then he called out the next dog’s name. Walked into the kitchen to find the cockatoo in the spot we always stand, giving orders to the dogs (who were obeying!), and then pulling treats out of the cup and dropping them on the floor. This went on for some time.
Dogs now liked the cockatoo and would let him ride on their backs. The cockatoo would call them, tell them to lay down, would climb on, and ride around like a king. The dogs knew what’s up, would walk to the kitchen, and stand by the counter. The cockatoo would hop up and drop them a treat, say “good boy”, and hop back on.
Funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
#3 Well, he asked for it.

My cat yawned, so I stuck a finger in his mouth. He sort of stared at my curiously as he shut his mouth, but didn’t bite down hard. A few minutes later, he’s sitting on my chest and I yawn.
He proceeds to put his whole paw in my mouth.
#4 Now, That is one good doggo.

I am diabetic and one night I fell on my carpet from weakness and disorientation.
My beloved dog, who now rests in Heaven, brought my emergency kit from my bathroom counter so I could take my medication. Just writing this post brought tears to my eyes.
I will always remember you, Bumper.
#5 The dog saved the cat’s life.

When was I was young my family moved a long distance with two pets, a cat and a dog. My mom said that cats can try to run off to find a home after a move so we had a cat collar with a long leash to hold her while we were unloading the trailers.
I heard my Australian Shepherd bark twice on the back porch. Abby NEVER barked unless something was serious. I ran back there and my cat had run around a chair many times and then jumped off the chair with not enough room on the leash to be on the ground and was hanging there choking. When I rounded the corner Abby was trying to chew through the leash. Best dog ever.
Both cat and dog lived long happy lives.
#6 He got what he deserved.

I witnessed this with my uncle’s dog. My uncle was lying on the couch and she was lying on his feet and legs. He let out a huge fart that was aimed directly at her face.
She lifted her head and glared at him and he started laughing. She got up and walked away in disgust.
A few minutes later she came back, jumped up on his chest, stuck her butt in his face and farted on him and walked away. I laughed so hard I cried and gave her so many treats.
#7 At least she got you a present. Most cats never even care.

First Christmas we had our cat she saw us handing out presents and opening them and abruptly ran off. About twenty minutes later she comes back with a dead bird and dropped it in the present pile.
It’s definitely the thought that counts?
#8 I’m glad we didn’t get to find out what the drunk would have done.

I had the best dog ever. One night I was fast asleep and he was gently “biting” my hand just enough to wake me up. Once I woke up he started tugging on it as if to say, follow me. It was so weird. So I follow him and he leads me to the side door or my house, sits facing the door and barks ever so silently.
I then realize someone is outside picking the lock. I called 911. It was a drunk guy, no idea what his intentions were once he got in, but my dog for some reason managed to get him arrested.
He probably would have been scared away had my dog just barked, but for some reason, the old boy wanted to alert me quietly.
#9 The little guy just wanted some love.

I had a dog that got hit by a car. He ended up losing his front leg. This dog was a big pupper. Easily 80 pounds. Once he came home, I could not carry him, but my husband could. The dog HATED going potty in the house, so he quickly learned to walk outside with me.
Three weeks in, he was walking and jumping down the steps UNLESS his daddy was home. Then he couldn’t move. Just sit and whine and cry pathetically until daddy carried him. He got busted one day when he didn’t hear his dad’s car pull up. Launched himself down the 3 porch steps, realized his dad was right there and fell over hard, crying.
But it was too late, the gig was up. However, he continued this type of ‘I’m too weak’ behavior – but only with my husband – for the next 10 years until he died of old age.
#10 Who said cats don’t save lives?

When I was an infant, I was in my crib next to my parents’ bed. I somehow got twisted up and started suffocating in my blanket. This cat jumped on my mom’s face until she woke up, then jumped into my crib.
Had it not been for her, I would have died.
have any stories about your pets that you wanna share? Why not comment them down below? We always love to hear from you!
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