Losing a loving parent isn’t easy. It can make you grieve for the rest of your life. In the initial days or years of such situations, you just wanna hold onto all their memories and the things they possess. Keep those things or people close which were important or dear to them. The same happened with our OP who was forced by his mother to give away his late father’s dog after her new fiancee was moving in with them. The conflict arose because his mother’s fiancee was allergic to dogs so to accommodate her fiancee, his mother asked OP to get rid of the dog. But the dog, Dax, had a special place in OP’s heart and was reluctant to do so. So what did he do about the constant pressure by his mother?
Scroll down to read the whole story and find out.
Source: Reddit
1. OP asks…I may be the a**hole for choosing to live with my dog instead of my mom.

2. OP’s mother’s fiancee is severely allergic to dogs so when he decides to move in with them, OP’s mother tells OP to get rid of his dog.

3. OP fought with his mom over this because Dax is just like his family but wasn’t successful in persuading her.

4. OP’s grandpa agreed to take in his dog but due to some problems OP have to move in too to take care of Dax.

5. OP’s mother was strictly against his idea of moving in with his grandpa but OP had his reasons.

6. Regardless of the opposition from his mother, OP moved in with his grandpa to be with Dax.

7. The OP’s mother still asks him to come back and live with them but OP can’t leave behind Dax as he feels happy with him.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what other Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this.
8. You are not at fault in this….your mom is!

9. OP doesn’t need a new dad…he might need a father figure.

10. Pushing a new dad on him is not cool.

11. Was it that difficult to wait a few months?

12. Sounds like his grandpa actually cares for him.

13. You just can’t suddenly claim to be a new dad in someone’s life.

14. It is not easy to accept someone as your dad.

15. Losing one’s father is never easy.

16. “OP you’re NTA.”

17. Pets grieve for their owners too!

18. Having one’s pet taken away is an absolute nightmare.

19. Post the dog tax!

20. “Go live your best life with the best boi.”

The consensus on Reddit is that OP made the right choice by moving out. He refuses to allow his mother and her fiancee to separate him from Dax, whom he regards as a cherished member of his family. However, this decision was undoubtedly difficult, especially considering that OP is only 17 years old and had to leave his mother behind, Reditors are happy he chose what makes him happy. What are your thoughts on OP’s decision? Let us know in the comments section below.
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