Is this world even real?
I mean who hasn’t thought of that question? What if it is all a simulation and we just think it is real? What if you are dreaming right now and you will wake up and realize that the pandemic never happened. We can’t know for sure, can we? I know people will say that there is no proof of this life being a simulation. Well, what if we do have proof but we make excuses for the proof by saying it is just a coincidence?
How else can we explain the following moments in time? I believe in weird coincidences as much as the other guy but some of these seem out of the realm of the possibility. And we assure you that none of these pictures are photoshopped. So if you are ready to start questioning life, just scroll below to take a look for yourself. But be warned, you might end up with a tinfoil hat on your head spouting conspiracy theories all the time, so proceed with the utmost caution.
#1 Well they could have coordinated outfits, we don’t know for sure.

#2 Whoever wrote this article knew exactly what they were doing.

#3 Taylor Swift should promote her next album like this.

#4 At least the lights that remain still read as a restaurant.

#5 When you find your car neighbour.

#6 This is some great like right here.

#7 When NPC’s in a game wear the exact same clothes.

#8 I bet the owner of this car was quite happy after seeing this.

These might just be coincidences, but we have to admit how unlikely some of these are. I mean finding a person wearing similar clothes to you is uncommon but it can happen to all of us. However, two buses aligning up or you finding your number plate number? That is a very low chance. Maybe we don’t need to look too deeply into it.
#9 Most of them are even wearing the same colour jackets.

#10 These cars are playing a game and no one knows about it.

#11 The time hadn’t come for the little fish.

#12 This just goes to show how many people lose hair in the exact position.

#13 Sometimes a fortune cookie gets something right.

#14 I have nothing against yellow but this is over the top.

#15 When a pigeon decides to use poop as a medium of art.

#16 They might be in another country and teaching English in which case it is still hilarious.

#17 Sometimes trees take pity on us and spare our cars.

#18 Now, that is ingenious if it was intentional.

#19 They should have just shared a screen and watched together.

#20 If you read the receipt, you will understand why it is on the list.

What is the weirdest coincidence you have ever seen? Comment down below and let us know.