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15 Weird Images You Need To See Right Now That Will Mess With Your Mind

Reality is not always what it seems like.

I know many people will not believe this but our eyes don’t always see the truth. I am well aware that this can make you trust your own eyes less but that is the truth. We have all heard of optical illusions and these pictures are something akin to that. You definitely need to take a second look sometimes to really see what is going on. I am sure that I am not the only one who has looked at the dark corner of my bedroom and thought that there was a demon standing there when in reality it was just a shadow.

Our mind can play tricks on us and at times we see what we want to see which is not always the reality. And this always happens to me after I have watched a horror movie. However, you don’t have to be worried when it comes to these images as they are not horrific in any way. Although some of these photographs are quite adorable so you might overload with that. So if you are ready to spend a minute on each picture to understand what is really going on, you have come to the right place.

Just scroll below to take a look for yourself and enjoy.

#1 There is nothing wrong with the doggo, it is just a bone.


It sort of does look like that Ruby is perpetually shocked.

#2 When you really want to ask someone a question.


The man just wanted to say hello.

#3 This kitty has better hair than me.


#4 Who wouldn’t want to jump into this mirror?


I really wish that this was a portal to another dimension.

#5 That is a fiery hot doggo!


Even though we all know this is bacon, it kinda does look like the doggo is breathing fire from a certain angle.

#6 The tail goes on forever.


#7 When every day is shoulders day at the gym.


#8 ‘Help, I’m stuck and I can’t get out.’


Are we sure a hole didn’t open in the floor?

#9 This mirror is definitely going to cause some accidents.


#10 A cat with two bodies.


Cerberus has nothing on this kitty.

#11 I have looked at this for way too long and I still can’t understand it.


For those who don’t know it is a prosthetic leg.

#12 This horse doesn’t need a body.


#13 I would welcome this dog as the overlord quite easily.


#14 This man got hit by the shrink-ray.


#15 Some kids just have big feet.


#16 This is a new species and is a mix between a snake and a toad.


I am not sure how I feel about this snake eating the toad.

We have cat tax to make your day brighter!


Meet Lulu. She’s been our foster for three weeks. She came here frozen with fear. Today, she poked her head out to eat for the first time. We’re fostering this tiny (2.5 years and 2.5 kilos) void who came from a horrible hoarder home. At the shelter, she was terrified and completely frozen with fear. So we took her home. We spent the first week just getting her used to our voices and she spent it in the corner under the couch. She ate, drank, and used the litter box as well as explored the space at night. So very normal cat behavior. In the second week, I started feeding her with a spoon and slowly getting her to come closer to me. And today she poked her head out.

I’m so damn proud of her and I think she’s gonna be a foster fail for us. She doesn’t know how to play but I still try every day and she’s definitely interested. Been using several different toys. The progress is amazing.

What are your thoughts on these images? Did these confuse you as much as me? Or could you spot the truth in only a second? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can join in the discussion about these images as well.


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