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Man Shares His Quitting Story And Asks Redditors “What Was Your “I Quit” Moment?”

Man Shares His Quitting Story And Asks Redditors "What Was Your "I Quit" Moment?"

In the battle against toxic workplaces, employees take a stand and quit for a healthier, more respectful work environment.

In professional life, there comes a moment when frustration reaches its boiling point, and the only viable option left is to say those two powerful words: “I quit.” Such moments of emancipation hold a unique significance, representing a brave stand against oppressive work environments and demanding better treatment. In this post, we delve into captivating quitting stories and shed light on the pervasive issue of entitled managers who foster toxic workplaces.


Having worked diligently in a hotel with an on-site restaurant, OP started their journey as a waiter/barman, and later found themselves in the kitchen, preparing meals for children. What initially seemed like a promising opportunity quickly turned into a series of disappointments and frustrations.

During OP’s tenure, they encountered a cascade of issues that eroded their motivation and happiness at work. Shift leaders engaged in romantic relationships with staff members, employees disappeared for extended smoke breaks without consequences, and unfair criticism was hurled at OP for “not covering enough” while others neglected their duties. The breaking point arrived when a miscommunication regarding OP’s vacation resulted in an unexpected work demand. Scroll down for the complete story and “I quit” moments.

OP shares his experience of working in a hotel with a restaurant, initially as a waiter/barman and later in the kitchen preparing kids’ meals.

What was your I quit moment



OP describes a poorly managed work environment where shift leaders dated staff, frequent prolonged smoking breaks were taken, and he faced criticism for not covering adequately, providing necessary context.

What was your I quit moment



Despite having a cleared holiday, the kitchen manager mistakenly expected OP to be at work and texted him about it while he was already on vacation:

What was your I quit moment



OP received another message later that day, informing him of his supposed shift the following day despite still being on holiday. He attempts to find a compromise by offering to return in time for the evening service rush, but he was instructed to be present at 9 am regardless.

What was your I quit moment



OP reaches his breaking point after being met with unreasonable demands and responds with frustration, declaring his resignation by stating:What was your I quit moment


The manager contacted OP later, expressing disappointment over his absence, to which he responded by highlighting the manager’s lack of understanding about quitting and promptly ended the conversation.

What was your I quit moment



OP’s story is just one of countless experiences in which employees face entitled managers or bosses who fail to respect their needs and well-being. Unfortunately, such toxic environments are far too common. They perpetuate a culture of fear, diminish employee morale, and hinder personal growth. It is crucial to shine a light on this issue and encourage discussions that foster change and advocate for healthier workplaces.

OP expresses gratitude for the unexpected popularity of his post and acknowledges the overwhelming response:

What was your I quit moment


“get back in your fu*king hole, no one wants to hear from you”

What was your I quit moment



“That was my last day.”

What was your I quit moment


“Prestigious Yoda doesn’t even make that much, it wouldn’t be fair”

What was your I quit moment



“My I quit moment was when I was accused of stealing”



It is essential to stand against toxic workplaces and support those who have bravely walked away from detrimental situations. We invite you to share your own “I quit” stories or reflections in the comments section below.

The cat tax:



“Air jail for slapping mom in the face and then pretending it didn’t happen”


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