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Employee Rejects A Job Offer Because Of The Management’s Actions

OP went for a job interview at a warehouse at 1:30. Even though OP arrived early, the interview started very late, 1 hour and 15 minutes late! After being offered the job, OP said no because starting late was disrespectful and showed the company didn’t manage time well. OP left, wishing them luck. Interestingly, the company mistakenly said OP didn’t come to the interview and withdrew the application. This funny twist aside, the story teaches us how important it is for companies to be on time during interviews. OP’s honesty and self-worth helped them say no to a job with poor time management


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

OP went for a 13:30 interview, arriving 5 mins early. Witnessed candidates waiting since 13:00. At 14:45, OP was interviewed.


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Interviewed at 14:45, an hour late. Politely declined the job offer, explaining that lateness reflected poorly on their time management.


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OP told them valuing candidates’ time is important. Left, wishing luck. Highlighted the disrespect and poor time management in waiting.


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Imagine OP arriving late, saying it’s been a crazy morning. They left OP waiting, offering only a measly apology later.


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OP took a break, stayed relaxed, hoping for a good chat. When it didn’t happen, OP declined and left, valuing honesty.


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Here’s a double edit from OP.


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In addition to OP’s belief in the importance of everyone’s time, the story underscores the notion that individuals should prioritize self-worth and honesty when considering job opportunities. It encourages people to recognize their own value and stand up for what they deserve in a workplace. By declining the job offer, OP sends a powerful message about not compromising on principles and expectations. It’s a reminder that individuals should seek environments that respect their time and acknowledge their contributions. Ultimately, the story advocates for setting standards, fostering self-respect, and maintaining integrity in professional interactions.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

Redditors are sharing amusing stories.

This was is interesting.


This is shocking to believe.

I am wondering too. However, OP’s story is a reminder that job interviews should start on time. Props to OP for standing up for their worth.


OP’s experience highlights the need for companies to respect candidates’ time. Kudos to OP for valuing themselves and saying no.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

Cat tax

“I’ll just sit down at my computer….. annnd he’s here.”

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