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Woman’s Ex-Wife Who Demands She Pays For Child Support, Even Though That The Child Isn’t Hers Because They Are Both Women

Ex Wife

Cheating on your partner never goes well.

Cheating on your partner is a betrayal of trust that can have serious consequences for a relationship. Cheating, whether emotional or physical, can cause irreparable damage. Furthermore, cheating often results in heartbreak, mistrust, and the end of a relationship. It may also have long-term consequences for the individuals involved, affecting their self-esteem and ability to trust in future relationships. It is critical to communicate openly and honestly with your partner to avoid the temptation to cheat.


I understand that it is possible to have feelings for more than one person, but that does not mean you should go behind your partner’s back. After all, any healthy relationship requires open communication. Trust is at the heart of any successful relationship; once broken, it can be challenging to repair. It is critical to discuss any issues or concerns with your partner before they escalate into destructive behaviour, such as cheating. When your wife shows up pregnant, the word destructive appears to be an understatement. Did I mention that the people in this story are both cisgender women?

Scroll down to read the entire story for yourself.

Source: Reddit

Taking care of a child alone can be a huge financial burden.


OP was married to a woman, and things were going well as OP tried to start her own business.


In OP’s mind, their relationship was great but that fantasy came crashing down when her partner told her she was pregnant and they are both cis women.


OP was obviously devastated by this but her partner said that they could now have a family but OP wasn’t on board with this.


OP’s partner had the audacity to say that OP was abandoning their child but OP just wanted to be left alone so she went to her cousin for a while.


Via Reddit

The divorce proceedings were underway soon after and OP gave her the condo and the car but her ex wanted child support as well which was crazy.


OP slowly got out there and started dating again when the woman she was currently seeing also came in to tell her that she was pregnant.

However, things ended well as this was before they had even met and OP decided to stay with her in the end.


Things slowly started working out and OP’s business was booming as well but that is when her ex appeared once again.

The ex showed up at a family gathering and ‘exposed’ OP for being a horrible person and not paying child support.


Via Reddit

The ex had befired OP’s wife’s cousin and that’s how she ended up at the gathering confronting OP.

OP and her wife were eventually kicked out of the gathering as well.


Things just kept getting worse as the wife’s parents were also involved and wanted an explanation from OP as to what happened.

The wife’s parents were understanding but the mother-in-law wants OP to pay child support and help out her ex for whatever reason.


Let’s just say OP’s ex came in like a wrecking ball hellbent on ruining everything.

Via Reddit

I am astounded that people are siding with the homewrecker. If she didn’t want this to happen, then why did she cheat on her partner in the first place? And now that she sees her ex doing so well with another person, she wants in on it. It’s truly disgusting behaviour, and I feel for the baby.

I understand that some people forgive cheating, but cheating is unforgivable in my opinion because once trust is broken, it cannot be fully repaired. I hope OP cuts off contact with all of the family members who want her to pay ‘child support’ for a child that isn’t even hers.

I don’t think the ex deserves anything more.


Why would anyone take the ex’s side anyway?

A paper trail will be needed in this particular case.


How does anyone think that OP is responsible for the child?

I am pretty sure the one who impregnated her doesn’t want anything to do with her now.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts about this dramatic story? What would you do if you were in this position? Would you cut off contact with your cousins? Or would you try to explain your side of the story? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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