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Woman Asks If She Is Wrong For Being Disappointed By The Cheap Gift From Her Boyfriend

Relationships can be difficult to navigate.

Relationships aren’t always rainbows and unicorns. Even if you adore your partner, there will be times in your relationship when you disagree with what they did. We are all human, after all, and we all make mistakes. However, there are some things that are not mistakes, but rather red flags that people should avoid. It can be difficult to find the truth, especially in today’s internet culture, where everyone is playing games with each other and trying to gain an advantage in the relationship.

Sincerity is one of the foundations of a relationship, but many people overlook it. And, while being treated like royalty by your partner is nice, it should not always be expected. After all, it is the thought that counts, not the price tag, when it comes to a gift. However if their partner buys them a cheap gift, some people will feel embarrassed. Today is one such story, but as I previously stated, it is all about the intention behind the gift, and this is a perplexing story.

You’ll soon see what I’m talking about, so scroll down to see for yourself.

Source: Reddit

OP and her partner seem to be in a good relationship.


And thus they were on a vacation with his parents.


But when he brought out his gift, she was taken aback by the cheap jewellery.


While she does not want to feel this way, she can’t help it.


We also got a lot more information about their relationship as a whole.


But the story doesn’t end there as she decided to ask him about it.


He actually had prepared a special gift for her.

However, that ended up going nowhere so he had to give her something last minute.


While I enjoy happy endings, something doesn’t seem right in this story. If he truly wanted to get her a thoughtful gift and ended up being duped, why did he bring it up in the first place? I understand that he may have wanted to do it because other family members had gifts, but why make such a big deal out of it? Not only that but when she inquired about it, he insulted her. He could have just told her the truth right away. However, I’m not sure how their relationship is, so perhaps it was just the heat of the moment and he was embarrassed after being scammed.

People in the comments were also quite surprised by this.

A lot of people want the scammer to be brought to justice.


And others are still questioning the story.

I agree with this commenter 100%.


This is what I don’t understand, why get angry at her?

However, this person has a point as well.


There are still a few questions left but we may never get the answers for them.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you believe it was a mistake on his part? Or do you believe there is something else he isn’t saying? What would you have done in this situation if your partner had humiliated you like this? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can contribute as well.


What do you think?

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