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50 Sexist Things That Are Still Accepted Called Out By People On Twitter

Feminism is sorely needed even nowadays.

One would think times have changed and that there is no need for feminism anymore. I suppose that is why so many people don’t want to have to do anything with the word even though it is not at all about how some people portray it and the majority only wants equal rights. However, since many don’t believe we should pay feminisms any mind and that there are no problems relating to equality in this world, we present the following tweets.

The only way to deal with injustice for some people is by adding a bit of humor in life. And if in the process, we get witty funny remarks which also paint a perfect picture of all that is happening around us in the world, what more could one need. So if you have ever felt wronged by how certain things are, you might be able to relate to these tweets. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.

#1 We sadly all have that one Uncle. It’s time to make him go away.

Via MrsPlugg

#2 When a 12-year-old is more intelligent than many adults, we should feel ashamed.

Via reddit

#3 There should never be a gender assigned to keeping your house clean.

Via jjamz

#4 That is at least a valid thing to be afraid about rather than them being gay.

Via moongoddesscunt

#5 An imaginary guy that you just made up apparently scares all the creeps away.

Via ShahdBatal

#6 That sounds technically reasonable to me.

Via datingafeminist

#7 Does anything more even need to be said?

Via reddit

#8 It’s as if women are expected to deal with some men’s childish behavior.

Via _withawhy

#9 The problem was never the clothes no matter what people say

Via reddit

#10 Just stop butting in other people’s business and everything will be okay.

Via xLiserx

#11 It’s not logical but when have we ever credited our government for being logical?

Via ReadMoreScience

#12 And yet nobody follows that ‘rule’ anymore.

Via baylagarden

#13 Simply put, it is a last-ditch effort and not a day in the spa.

Via reddit

#14 Women aren’t always out looking for ‘mates’ or some other nonsense.

Via v7ren

#15 I did not know that but now I do.

Via reddit

#16 This may seem offensive but she hit the nail right on the head.

Via reddit

#17 Why do people have the need to put gender before someone’s profession?

Via ellorysmith

#18 But that would include a lot of men, wouldn’t it?

Via ErinMRodgers

#19 News Flash: The Government is not perfect.

Via reddit

#20 It isn’t a competition but at the end of the day but should men really complain about that?

Via OhNoSheTwitnt

#21 Yes, It happens to men too, nobody is discounting that but that doesn’t somehow make it less abhorrent.

Via mollykhadija

#22 We need to put this test everywhere before they let anyone in a club.

Via reddit

#23 Why go to the extreme opposites? There is always a middle ground.

Via reddit

#24 That is not what a sanitary belt looked like but I get what they mean.

Via reddit

#25 This is a perfect example of privilege.

Via AuroraBorealice

#26 That doesn’t make sense when you put it like that does it?

Via sevreds

#27 What our talent has anything to what we wear boggles my mind.

Via TRobertsTV

#28 I don’t any guy would be able to recover from that burn.

Via danadonly

#29 Some people have their minds blown when they learn the truth.

Via evaalom

#30 If you expect someone else to share in your hobbies, do the same for them.

Via reddit

#31 Are we sure about that?

Via reddit

#32 Mainspalining at its finest.

Via reddit

#33 It’s a normal biological function and we shouldn’t make such a big deal out of it.

Via reddit

#34 While it is basic human decency o be kind, there are always bad days.

Via reddit

#35 In the olden times, having a period meant, you were ready to bear a child.

Via aaronhoyland

#36 And what is wrong with being emotional? We should teach boys to not be afraid of letting their emotions out.

Via reddit

#37 No doesn’t mean she is trying to give you a hint. No means no.


#38 Two statements that are absolutely true.

Via iamaroadtrip

#39 If you are going to make someone work, treat them equally.

Via curledbitch

#40 Don’t pretend to know what you haven’t been through.

Via adigoesswimming

#41 And what is so wrong with that?

Via reddit

#42 Not really the women’s fault now, is it?

Via jskylerinc

#43 This honestly just made me realize so much that I am going to need a minute.

Via reddit

#44 I am not even sure I want to get into it.

Via reddit

#45 He isn’t lying and that is all that matters.

Via reddit

#46 If you don’t want women to go first, say so.

Via reddit

#47 This may seem like an exaggeration but it is quite true.

Via reddit

#48 Boys don’t deserve to be treated like that as well. They need to be responsible.

Via hydrated_thembo

#49 How can anyone say that she doesn’t look professional?

Via TRobertsTV

#50 I would unironically watch that.

Via kelllicopter

I think…the people who…have a negative view of [feminism] kind of perpetuate these negative views. The groups that have traditionally been empowered by [gender inequality] see [feminism as threatening] that you would want to pursue policies or make changes that would really create equality and not just pay lip service. -Thomas

What are your thoughts on the above tweets? Do you think we missed something? If so why not let us know your opinion in the comments below? And don’t forget to share it with your friends as well.


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