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Artist Drew Disney Villain Yzma In Iconic Disney Movies And The Results Are Hilarious

It’s fun to see Yzma in different movie characters.

Think about the Disney villains and Yzma would be the first name that would come to your mind.  Yzma from the Disney animated movie “The Emperor’s New Groove” was an evil sorceress. She was witty and evil. Everyone loves Disney movies and adores the Disney Princes and Disney Princesses but have you ever seen someone adoring a Disney villain? Yes, you are hearing it right. Some villains are so good at their roles that they make a place in the viewers’ hearts. A very talented artist Audre Schutte, known as Charamath is a fan of “The Emperor’s New Groove”. She got inspired by the character of Yzma and decided to get creative with it. Charamath used her creative skills and replaced many movie characters with Yzma and the results are amazing. Scroll down to check her artwork.

Source:  Instagram

1. Meet Yzmeia.


2. Yzma as Thor. We have Thoryzma

3. Yzma as Jane. Meet Yzmane


4. Yzmelle in Beauty and The Beast.


5. Meryzma


6. Meet Yzma Ursula.


7. Yzmara

8. Kiazma from The Lion King.


9. Kronk and Yzma.

10. Yzma as Minnie mouse.


11.Yzlo Ren.

12. Meet Yzmaenerys.


13. Yzma becomes the Empress.

14. Bubbleyzma.


15. Yzma as Tinker Bell.

How adorable does Yzma look in the character of Princess Belle and Jasmine! We love her artwork. You have to be very talented to come up with this idea. We appreciate Schutte for these animations. It’s nice to see Yzma in positive roles. Yzma has rocked all these movie characters and Schutte has done justice with these animations. Scroll down to go through the rest of the images.

16. Yzma as Princess Elsa.


We have Elsma.

17. Sailor Moozma.

18. Yzilo.


19. Peazma.

20. Alizma.


21. Yzmajontas.

22. When Jasmine met Yzma, she became Yzmine.


23. Yzma met Merida.

Yzmida in action.

24. Yzma met Esmeralda.


25. Yzmine and Genie.

26. Yzmottie.


27. Yzma as Cinderella.

28. Yzmonoke.


29. Yzrey.

30. Bubbleyzma in action.


We have enjoyed going through this list. What about you? Did you enjoy it as much as we did? Also, comment down to let us know which movie character has Yzma rocked the most? Also, go through Audre Schutte’s  Instagram to appreciate her work.


What do you think?