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Vintage Halloween Photos Of Clowns That Are More Disturbing Than Modern Horror Movies

Halloween is a favorite occasion for many people. They wait a whole year only to dress up creepy and scare others. Plus, you get so many nice candies for free! There is nothing to dislike about Halloween. It is the perfect pleasant weather. You get to wear your favorite sweaters and stockings. You get to wear your favorite boots! It finally feels normal to wear those colors that normally would look “too much”. You can wear red, orange, brown and black and sometimes all at once. You can scare the hell out of someone and get away with it without any punishment!


The most interesting part for me is to become another character for a day and pretending to be them. You get to escape your monotonous and boring life for a while and step into a new world. Everyone plays along and no one can judge you for whatever character you decided to be. While some people choose some boring costumes, some people go completely creepy and fearful on Halloween. They choose the scariest character ever. I think the whole point of this occasion is to dress in a costume in which people would not recognize you. I will be choosing to be the plague doctor. No one will ever know who is behind the mask. The mask of this costume is terrifying as hell, so I will meet my aim too. I will scare everyone in their sleep just the night before Halloween so their day of horrors can start a little early.

Just like that, people like to fully immerse in their characters. Below we have pictures of some people who have perfected the costumes of clowns, some scary guy with horns, and a creepy woman in a black dress. These pictures are making them too real and are perfect for Halloween to build the right atmosphere.

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1. Why aren’t his eyes on the same level?


2. I hope no kid was kidnapped or killed while taking that little bike.


3. Creepy much?


4. Beware of the man-pig!


5. Biggest smile ever!


6. Do you want to play with us, kid?


7. We have candies. Come play with us!

8. Does she even have a face?


9. Good luck to the farmers. They are in for a hell of a ride!

10. And he killed the other one! He probably wanted to eat a human all on his own.


11. Okay, what is the obsession with the bikes?

12. I am never riding a bike again…


13. Forget the plague doctor, this will be my costume for next Halloween!

14. Who hurt her?


15. Can I have that mask to scare my maths teacher?

16. This is a cue for you to run for your life!


17. She has gone nuts.

18. Partners in crime!


19. She is reaching for a hand. No thanks!

20. Horror aside, I would kill for those boots!


21. She got the cycle too now. Something is unsettling about the cycle…

22. Dance of the devils!


23. Whoever hurt her, please apologize! Otherwise, we all would have to face the consequences.

I feel like it is Halloween already. These pictures are making me rethink my idea for Plague Doctor’s customer. I am considering become this horrifying clown. I cannot speak for everyone but I have gotten some amazing and creepy ideas for Halloween. These pictures are given me major Halloween flashbacks.

What about you? Let us know what your next costume for Halloween would be in the comments below. I hope it is creepy as hell. Otherwise, it is of no use!


What do you think?