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40 Instances Of UPS Drivers Running Into Dogs That Made Their Job A Whole Lot Better

This stinky global pandemic has actually taught us quite a few things about life.

You know it’s a very well-known notion that you only care about a certain something until you get taught a lesson about it. And it often happens the tough way. The pandemic is one thing, really enough, and causing stressful and scary thoughts to erupt in the head every single day. But what gets more on the nerves is, the aftermath of this pandemic, the so-called SOPs that have literally made us stop living our lives the way we used to. The quarantine and the lockdown are literally so annoying and are playing with everyone’s patience.


The virus has certainly changed the way how we looked at life, worked with things. We now operate differently and I strongly believe the fact that this has become a “new normal”. The new normal is something that we had to adapt to and now there is no going back. There isn’t a life without it. But if you think about it a little, there are certain someone’s out there who haven’t really changed with the pandemic sweep and have been working hard putting a big wide smile on our faces. Those two amazing entities are the UPS drivers and our very own doggos.

And imagine what happens we combine the two together. I know, absolute and ultimate cuteness, that’s what will happen. Let’s look at some of the cutest examples of the two greeting one another as if they met after a very long time.

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1. First delivery of the day dealt with cuteness to make sure the remaining ones go great as well.


Via Scott Hodges

2. How can you not stop and chill with them when this is how they look at you.

Oh my god, the way this doggo is looking at this driver, I don’t think committed humans have ever looked at one another with such intimacy and intensity.


Via UPS Dogs

3. You were missing something. What? Your daily kissy.


Via UPS Dogs

4. Aww, why is this one so emotional.


Via UPS Dogs

5. A happy doggo in a happy man’s arms.

What else do you need in life?


Via UPS Dogs

6. Oh my god, it’s so cute and tiny. The driver ain’t half bad either, yo!

No homo.


Via UPS Dogs

7. Parcel delivery ain’t really a tough job if this is what you get on and off throughout the day.

Via UPS Dogs

8. Someone’s excited that their favorite deliveryman showed up.

Look at that expression, so happy about the belly rubs.


Via UPS Dogs

9. Oh wow look it is the birthday boy’s lucky day

Via UPS Dogs

10. We have arrived at the spot, the treats are being poured into the hand, the deliciousness is about to ensue.

At least that’s what I think goes on in a dog’s hand when you are taking treats out for them.


Via UPS Dogs

11. Just letting those emotions take all over.

Via UPS Dogs

12. Hey uncle, we heard you were distributing free treats. Are we at the right truck?

You sure are little ones.


Via UPS Dogs

13. Pic one: “Who is this guy?” Pic 2: “Oh shiz it’s him, he’s wearing glasses.”

Via UPS Dogs

14. Aww it’s like they are having a really fun conversation with the UPS driver.


Via UPS Dogs

15. “Oh hey honey, no it’s just a dog I promise I am on duty.” Dog: “woof woof woof woof (I am a dog)”

Via UPS Dogs

16. Is this Mrs. Saleen? I have your package. You just need to feed me 2 treats.


Via UPS Dogs

17. Eyes at the prize.

Via UPS Dogs

18. When you are in the mood to shower love.


Via UPS Dogs

19. Those eyes, those eyes can do wonders.

Via UPS Dogs

20. Waiting in turn for their share of huggies and kisses

You know, if you think about it, this is the real life. Doing your day job delivering parcels to everyone’s house and meeting some extremely adorable doggos on your way. Perfecto!


Via UPS Dogs

Voila! I really don’t know how this happened. Delivery drivers and dogs. You really don’t think of it, but it did happen. Anything can happen in this mischievous world of dogs that we live in. I am grateful to both for providing us with such wholesome content.

21. Cute pooch with a delivery driver.

Via UPS Dogs

22. My man just struck jackpot right there.


Love really does come in all shapes and sizes.

Via UPS Dogs

23. Newly hired, very effective.

Via UPS Dogs

24. Doggos needs no selfie. Doggo just needs to stare in that gorgeous face and admire it for life.


Via UPS Dogs

25. Not into selfies, I assume.

Via UPS Dogs

26. By those looks, their days just got a whole look better.


Via UPS Dogs

27. Two seniors on a nice Monday afternoon.

Via UPS Dogs

28. Zoomies incoming. Looks like the UPS driver made the doggo wait more than usual.


Via UPS Dogs

29. The excitement levels are off the charts here.

Via UPS Dogs

30. When you toss that treat and say “Catch”

Wow, this is one heck of a picture.


Via UPS Dogs

31. Woah, that dog looks so majestic.

Via UPS Dogs

32. Bow down to the, bow down to the king.


Nothing but cuteness. I repeat, nothing but cuteness.

Via UPS Dogs

33. That dog looks like a Pokemon.

Via UPS Dogs

34. Pandemic selfie! Dog’s like “You better not give me that corona.”


Via UPS Dogs

35. Time for some treats: UPS edition!

Via UPS Dogs

36. They are so tiny yet they pack so much adorableness. How?


Via UPS Dogs

37. This day, the dogs decided to go meet the driver not the other way around.

Via UPS Dogs

38. You can tell this driver’s day just got a whole lot better.


Via UPS Dogs

39. Ain’t no viruses stopping us from enjoying the cuteness.

Via UPS Dogs

40. It’s just a lovely relationship and I wish it stays alive forever.


Via UPS Dogs

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Do share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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