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Woman Chastised For Not Allowing Service Dog To Wedding, Family Threatens Not To Come

This woman didn’t invite the most awaited guest at her wedding,

Weddings are extremely important in everyone’s life. After all, you are about to get committed to a whole new chapter of life for your entire life. A bond of love that is to provide you all sorts of happiness and nothing but happiness. At least, that’s the hope we go into it with. Well, weddings are usually all about the bride, the groom, and everything related to them. That’s how it all should be right? Everything and all focus should be centered towards the main participants of a wedding; the bride and the groom. But in this one case, the center of the story was actually the bride’s sister and not the main participants. Crazy right?


The author of this Reddit post that we are about to share with you guys in a few seconds is a bride who didn’t want any dogs or children at her wedding. This came across as a genuine surprise to many of the guests that were invited to the wedding including OP’s very own sister who had a dog as well. Now OP actually had a very legitimate reason for not having doggos at her wedding. You would think who wouldn’t want the adorableness of a dog at their wedding, but the soon-to-be bride is actually pretty caring. Her fiance actually went through some traumatic experiences involving dogs which, to date, gives him anxiety about having dogs around and that is why they decided not to have them around. Something very understandable.

But, did the sister really take it well or not? That is for you guys to read and see it for yourself.

Scroll down below to see some high-quality drama unfold.

They are actually really smart to plan this ahead of the wedding. Always good to avoid last-moment hassles with early planning. But let’s see how the sister reacts to the “no dogs” memo.


Via These-Rabbit9624

OP actually has a really solid reason for not inviting dogs to their wedding. They didn’t want their fiance to have any panic attacks as he had had a traumatic experience with dogs in his past.


Via These-Rabbit9624

So the bride’s sister immediately started crying when she was told she couldn’t bring her service dog to the wedding in order to maintain the comfort of her fiance. I don’t really see a problem in that.


Via These-Rabbit9624

The thing is, if she can go visit her sister without the service dog, she shouldn’t really have a problem going to her sister’s wedding without the service dog either. I am just showcasing the obvious linkages.


Via These-Rabbit9624

I don’t think OP was an asshole at all for this. Weddings are a huge deal for everything and the comfort of the bride and the groom is the top priority of the whole organization or the planning. If having a dog around made the groom uncomfortable, then the dog shouldn’t be there. Weddings don’t happen every day. So you must take some sour decisions in order to make that day special. Bride’s sister was making a very nonsense argument and it surprised me to read how her parents supported that clumsy argument as well. Weird!

The story was shared on Reddit and the community decided to hop in. Here’s the internet’s verdict:

Exactly my point. The sister did pay  visit to the bride and her finance on multiple occasions without her service dog so what’s the big deal to not bring it at the wedding?


Via Consistent-Leopard71

I need to bring in my dog because it helps with my mental health…at the expense of your husband’s mental health. NOT OKAY.


Via ToilandTrouble123

The real bumholes have been identified. It actually made me really sad to see the side they picked.

Via ratsrulehell

The community said the sister shouldn’t come to the wedding either.


Via Icylssue

The future husband’s mental health was given priority by Reddit. It’s their wedding so their comfort shall supersede anyone else’s

Via ExistentialistTeapot

What is your opinion? Do share your thoughts and verdict in the comments section down below.


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