
Wholesome Cat Posts To Give You Daily Dose Of Kitties

Cats have arrived to save your day from boredom.

Weren’t things already too bad already? Our planet is on its way to an irreversible death route, our people have basically gone mad because of all the ethnic differences and conflicts, and the COVID is like that icing on the cake that nobody wants. And now we are on the verge of another World War, great! Life was so simple when we weren’t born, right? Well, we are encompassed with stress and routines that we may not like but we have to live with it and look for something that could help us cope with all this and allow us to enjoy some moments of our day. Well, everyone has their own way of joy or interests that make them happy but for us, and probably for a lot of you, it’s content related to cats. Cats have been saving our bums for centuries now. Their paw prints have graced this planet for as long as history goes back and cats have done only one thing since then, save our asses and make us happy. If you are a cat owner, you are very lucky because no matter how bad a day you have, when you see the face of your cat, all that stress diminishes like it never existed. Cats are perfect companions and love doing everything in their power to honor the inseparable bond that they created with their humans.


And for those of us who are not lucky enough to own a cat, well don’t you worry, we have internet instead. The interwebs are full of amazing cat content from their owners that can help anyone who isn’t having a good day, an instant uplifting of the mood if you want to call it that way. After these cute and funny cat posts, you will be left with no other option but to say “We do not deserve cats.”. 

Now without any further delays, let’s enjoy some cat wholesomeness and put this day in a better, happier direction.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Perhaps the other restaurant gave it the free want it wanted and now it is your turn to bless it.


Via Twitter

2. Now you know, your shy cat openly kisses you and snuggles your face when you’re asleep.


Via Twitter

3. He has a locket with a picture of his cat printed on it, this is what true love.


Via Reddit

4. The kitties have successfully given their owner a status of pillow.


Via Reddit

5. The kitty gang has arrived, you better adopt them before they adopt you. There isn’t an option out here.


Via Reddit

6. Little one’s favorite part is its owner’s neck.


Via Twitter

7. It is trying to show it is cooler than you, I didn’t know cats felt the need to show anyone that they are cool.

Via Twitter

Cats are just so innocent and sweet, you cannot help but awe at their adorableness. My heart is feels so relaxed and we are not even done with them. Ample more coming your way so get ready.

Scroll for some more wholesomeness.

8. This cat found a new bedroom but she doesn’t allow them to open the tap because of obvious reasons.

Via Reddit

9. This potato would literally sleep anywhere.

Via Reddit

10. They thought they adopted a cat but when they reached home, it turned out to be a black chicken instead.


Via Reddit

11. Chilling on owner’s most priced possession just to let him know she also exists and deserves the same attention.

Via Reddit

12. You just cannot beat cats when it comes to protesting.


Via Reddit

13. They love to just let them go on Sundays because Sunday is Lazyday.

Via Reddit

14. When your cat is staring an object, know that it is mad at you and wants free food.


Via Reddit

15. She just heard the neighbors’ cats gossiping about her.

Via Reddit

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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