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Parents Share Hilarious Moments That Were Like The End Of The World To Their Toddlers

As tiny your infant is, the bigger its problems will be.

As a little kid, I remember the magnitude of every problem or a situation expanded tenfolds for absolutely no reason. And that happened for two reasons only. One, kids are extremely dramatic. And two, kids love everything so dearly that when a problem related to a thing arises, it begins to feel like the end of the world to them. From crying out loud because you tore your gift wrap while opening the present to throwing crazy tantrums because mommy spent one extra minute serving you your milk, kids are full of all sorts of emotions and love to express them all. That provides us with some very hilarious and adorable content to enjoy and cherish the innocence of little kids.


Today we are going to enjoy some moments shared by parents about their toddlers being super dramatic about something very tiny.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Choose your words very wisely when you are around kids because they will retain that stuff real quick.


Via @bessbell

2. Everyone, please pray for the fallen soldier and its quick recovery.


Via @bessbell

3. They never forget…ever.


Via @bessbell

4. Toddlers these days were born with iPads in their mouths instead of their thumbs. We’re ruined.


Via @bessbell

5. That actually is a serious issue, no comprises on food no matter what age you are.


Via @bessbell

6. The son was very specific, he needed ketchup on the hotdog and not anywhere else.


Via @bessbell

7. Just because they are told no, they will start protesting and crying about it not knowing what it is. Just a “No”.

Via @bessbell

8. What’s a desire shall remain a desire until it is fulfilled.


Via @bessbell

9. This triggers me, just turn the thing upside down, you dummy.

Via @bessbell

10. How could you be careless, Mom. You forgot to buckle Clarissa.


Via @bessbell

11. It is an issue of the highest sensitivity and presidents of all countries shall be called at once.

Via @bessbell

I haven’t tasted this much wholesomeness in so long. Kids are just too adorable and the innocence that they shower on us is what we live for. These posts are so hilarious and cute, I cannot stop reading them. I live for this content.

How do you guys like it so far?

12. Dilemmas…theirs are so cute.


13. But did the kids understand that all the balls were of the same size?

Via @bessbell

14. May God bless her with his miracles.


Via @bessbell

15. Tell him if you eat, the frog will become a rabbit.

Via @bessbell

16. You cannot make this stuff up.


Via @bessbell

17. I need more details on this.

Via @bessbell

18. Look what you did to yourself, kid.


Via @bessbell

19. Why do they all have a problem with their ketchup touching the bun?

Via @bessbell

20. You were supposed to know it yourself that some means one.


Via @bessbell

21. This.

Via @bessbell

22. Awe, you will have to go to the bathroom and take a shower for that to happen.


Via @bessbell

I really hope you guys enjoyed these moments. Kids are so adorable in their own way and we love how that adorableness is backed by nothing but their innocence.

Share your thoughts in the comments section down below. Stay tuned for more goodness.


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