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50 Hilarious “Out Of Context Cats” Cat Pics That Prove Life With Cats Is Full Of Chaos

Stuck in a rut you can’t seem to shake? Unmotivated and wanting to go back to sleep even though the day has just started? Look at these adorable images of cats while you take a deep breath and start up your computer. Seriously! A study found that looking at pictures of cute kittens doing their thing has a positive effect on your mood. We have collected pictures from the ‘Out of Context Cats’ Twitter account. You’ll feel better in no time after gazing upon these adorable images of cats. Still not convinced? Try it out!


Picture credits: contextkittens

1. “How many times do I have to tell you that salad is not for cats?!”

2. “Let me out!”

3. Those eyes are gorgeous!

According to PDSA Vet Anna, healthy cats have lustrous, silky coats, and they are meticulous about grooming themselves. “You’ll often spot them grooming to make sure their coat in tip-top condition. If you’re noticing your cat has patchy fur/ hair lossitchy skin or they seem to be grooming all the time, this could be a sign of a skin condition and it’s best to get them checked by your vet,” she noted when we ought to become concerned. “It’s important to feed your cat a high quality, complete, balanced diet that’s right for their life stage. This will make sure they have all the nutrients they need to keep their coat sleek and shining,” vet Anna said that hat we should be aware of our cat’s age and adjust their food accordingly. Fortunately, we don’t have to shell out huge amounts of cash on expensive supplements and the like if we’ve got the basics down right.

4. That blanket is so cute!

5. Paw goals!

6. Why does the cat still look grumpy?!

“There are supplements and oils available on the market which are marketed to promote skin health but these usually aren’t necessary if your cat is on the right food and doesn’t have a medical condition. If you’re not sure about the best diet for your cat, talk to your vet for advice.”

“Pets bring us love, joy, and companionship so in return we need to make sure we’re able to provide them with everything they need to be happy,” PDSA Vet Anna said. “It’s best to get everything ready for a new cat or kitten before you bring them home. You’ll need to make sure you have all the physical things your cat might need, for example, bowls, bedding, scratching posts litter trays, and toys.”

7. “Hi! I tend to make the weirdest faces!”

8. Those expressions are on point!

9. The cuteness is off the charts!

But, aside from all of the stuff, both large and tiny, we need also consider the layout of our homes and the locations of all of our belongings. “Cats don’t like to have their food and water bowls next to each other, try to spread them out as much as possible. They’ll also often want some space between their litter tray and other things,” Anna said. “It’s also important to think about the style or design of your cat’s equipment. Most cats will prefer a low, flat food bowl so their whiskers don’t touch the edges. Many will also like running water, for example, a cat water fountain instead of a bowl. So try to look at things with a ‘cat’s view’ instead of your own human eyes that might be attracted to colors or patterns.”

10. ” Don’t shoot me, hooman!”

11. A creative way to keep them occupied.

12. I am a feisty little kitty.

This initiative, dubbed ‘Out of Context Cats,’ is a new one. It was constructed in April 2020, just as the global lockdowns were about to take effect. However, the OoCC Twitter profile has grown to 221.4k followers in just over a year! During these trying times, we believe that the world is in need of a dose of kitty humor and pure sweetness.
Ingrid Johnson, a cat behaviorist, and Karen Weiler, a pet photographer, discussed how to take great images of cats earlier. When photographing our pets, it’s great to grasp the basics so that you may impress your friends and strangers on the internet with your ameowzing abilities. If you have the luxury of taking your time to plan out a photoshoot and take thoughtful pictures, these abilities will come in handy.

13. Drooling in those dreams!

14. This kitty loves to steal eggs off of people’s plates!

15. “I can turn my tongue into a straw!”

“So, set yourself up for success by moving a favorite blanket, bed, piece of furniture into a place that has great light. If they enjoy indulging in catnip, you can spread some there too. It is simple really: if your kitty enjoys hanging out there, you’ll have more opportunities to photograph them. They will be relaxed and happy and you will have great light—a winning combination!” Karen said.

16. All a cat ever wants is attention!

17. A natural hairstyle.

18. Look what came out of the wine bottle!

Karen also said that cats are more likely to pay attention to movement than sound, so we should use toys and other items with a lot of movement to capture their interest. Also, go down to your cat’s level so that you may work on your composition and obtain new angles on the shot.

We tend to get better images of our cats when they are in their natural habitat, according to cat behaviorist Ingrid. As a result, “things go awry.” You should also try to shoot a picture with natural light in order to get the best results. As Ingrid pointed out, “Play with them to encourage them to look confident and alert,”

19. “When will the food be served?!”

20. Kitty does not look happy!

21. That is the most adorable yawn!

22. Yin and Yang!

23. “I see everything!”

24. The cat is fed up with these jokes!

25. Her hate for the beach is pretty evident!

26. The right way to spend summer.

27. R.I.P chair!

28. “Let me study and become an educated kitty!”

29. Looks like someone is throwing a tantrum!

30. That look of excitement is super precious!

31. Ouch! Those look sharp!

32. Leaving footprints…

33. “Don’t go to work today! Play with me!”

34. Those ripped muscles!

35. “Did- Did you capture that?!”

36. “Fire! Fire at those who don’t give me snacks!”

37. Adorableness overload!

38. “Gimme a quick paw five!”

39. Those eyes will make your heartbreak.

40. “What can I say? I am a talented kitty!”

41. Incoming!!!

42. No personal space right for cat owners!

43. What a cat-astrophe!

44. Those eyes and ears and everything is so magnificent!

45. “Meow, meow, meow” Okay?

46. Wave that flag, kitty!

47. What a comfortable position.

48. A chaotic soul.

49. Those smoll paws!!

50. Big kitty, small kitty!

Aww! All these must have made your heart go into a frenzy! Share some pictures of your adorable pets with us!


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