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15 Fluffy Pets That Are Showing Their True Colors After Taking a Bath

It’s not easy to convince your pet to take a bath.

Your fluffiest pet is fluffy as long as it does not go under water. The moment it gets wet, all the fluff goes away somewhere and we have not figured out yet where it goes. Animals hate taking baths, you would have to trick them to give them a bath. If you are a pet owner, you know better how hard it is to convince your pet to take a shower. And, you all must be familiar with the faces that they make after taking a bath. They would be playing and smiling and as soon as you will give them a bath, the smile goes away somewhere. They will start showing their true colors after getting wet. Today, we have 15 fluffy pets that are showing their true colors after taking a bath. We are sure you will be surprised to see them after taking a bath. So, let’s get started.


1. Who knew this majestic dog will be so thin under all of the fluff?


© chanlanbooboo / instagram© chanlanbooboo / instagram

2. This is how quickly the smile goes away:


© chihuahualovin / instagram© chihuahualovin / instagram

3. She is crying because she hates taking a bath:


© zorrobbyy / instagram© zorrobbyy / instagram

4. From being a happy puppy to a confused one:


© justcallme_simba / instagram© justcallme_simba / instagram

5. When you accidentally fall in the bathtub:


© tobby_the_walker / instagram© tobby_the_walker / instagram

6. Is it the same puppy? I can’t believe my eyes.


© premierpoodle / instagram

7. From being an adult cat to a kitten real quick:

© nachito_and_lisbeth / instagram© nachito_and_lisbeth / instagram

Although animals do not like taking a bath but that does not mean we do not give them a bath. Poor animals do not know that we do this for their good. It’s important to keep them clean and hygienic. We want our pets to shine and only a good bath can get them compliments. Our cute and fluffy pets start looking different after getting wet. Their whole appearance changes and sometimes you would ask yourself if it is the same pet? Water turns a big dog into a tiny puppy, a happy kitty into an angry cat and a cockatoo into an ordinary parrot. This is how water has changed our pets and now we are getting an idea of why pets hate water.

8. When you regret your decision:


© daily.doseofpickles / instagram© daily.doseofpickles / instagram

9. Puppy in dry form, Timon in soaked form:

© allofthecritters / instagram© allofthecritters / instagram

10. When you are always angry:


© chow_and_leia / instagram© chow_and_leia / instagram

11. Brown spots washed off after a bath:

© oliver_bengalcat / instagram© oliver_bengalcat / instagram

Was it really a Bengal cat?

12. Zazoo after taking a bath:


13. Mom, please dry me, I can’t see anything:

© lolaauger_0909 / instagram

14. Marnie acting crazy after taking a bath:


© marniethedog / instagram© marniethedog / instagram

15. Face before and after taking a bath:

© Naverbeen / imgur

It’s crazy how our pets look so different after taking a bath and we find it funny. What are your thoughts? How does your pet look after taking a bath? Share your pet’s photos with us in the comments section down below.


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