
Employee Is Blamed For Not Answering Emails When On Vacation

Work has become more important than life.

Many people may not agree with my take on this but sadly it is true for many others. Higher-ups always like to chastise employees when they don’t make they’re work-life more important than family. While there are still vacations and holidays, the employee is supposed to do all the work before they go on a holiday so others don’t get into any issues. I understand that someone leaving for a week or more can cause problems but it should not be an employee’s responsibility as to what happens afterward. Ofcourse one is supposed to explain everything that needs to be done while they’re away to another person but it doesn’t mean they have to be available 24/7.


And yet so many companies force you to always be online or work even when you are home. This would be fine if you got paid for it but you are only paid a fixed wage and no overtime for the time you spend reading work emails when you’re home. Higher-ups don’t really care about an employee’s personal life and they only want to squeeze as much work as they can from a person. That is what happened in this particular situation. The poster of this story went on a holiday and made sure everything was set beforehand but they still got in trouble.

Scroll below to see what I am talking about.

Source: Reddit

The title sums up the story pretty perfectly if you ask me.


So as this person states, they gave everyone a heads-up before leaving for their vacation.


And things seemed to be alright for the most part until she came back.


And then she was blamed for everything even though she was on a vacation.


Honestly, the poster did give them fair warning that they wouldn’t be available for the time they were on a vacation so how is it any of their fault. They also gave everyone else eight days so the other employees could ask them for whatever they wanted. And it would be their fault if they had said they would be available and weren’t but that is not what happened. So I don’t understand how anyone can blame them. It is no surprise that most if not all commenters agree as well. They were on a vacation and that means they did not have to do any work. And that includes work calls. But I doubt them fighting on this stance will help them in the long run and no one at the company is going to agree with them anyway.

People were mostly taking her side in the comments.


And they blamed the company for not being better prepared.


Why should one have to work when they come home?

It is clear that the company does not have a good filing system and it was their fault.


Other people even shared their stories or stories of people around them who went through something similar.

A company should never rely on only one person for everything.


Leaving one person to do everything always ends in disaster.

And I just threw this story in there because while it is sad, it is somewhat hilarious as well.


What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it is the fault of this person for not being online? Or should the company have a better filing system so one doesn’t have to rely on a person for this sort of stuff? Let us know in the comments below.


What do you think?