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17 Working Animals Who Have Landed Their Dream Jobs And Doing It With Their Heads Held High

Animals are capable of doing and achieving anything.

Never underestimate your pets. They are incredibly talented and are capable of doing literally anything. It’s not the humans only who can work. Animals can also work and they take their jobs very seriously. Can you believe that an animal can take care of you, save your life or act in movies or video games? If not, you are probably underestimating them and it’s time that you change your perspective about our talented four-legged friends. They can work in hospitals, offices, schools or universities, fight crime and can be your personal bodyguard. These animals take full training and after they complete their training, they serve their humans and save lives. These hardworking bois and girls deserve a pay raise or an appreciation award for their contribution. Today, we have 17 working animals who have landed their dream jobs and doing their thing with their heads held high. Scroll down to appreciate these talented animals.


1. K9 dogs at training:


© duuuk / Reddit

2. A cutest local barista:


© Mr-Deer / Reddit

Who ordered cappuccino?

3. “This is Ruby. She visited our university to cheer us up.”


© BenDover04me / Reddit

We love therapy dogs.

4. Cheddar is the new cashier for The Home Depot this month:


© justchecknonya / Reddit

5. “This is Bill. Yesterday he had his first day of training to be my medical alert dog. He’s going to be the first medical alert dog for my illness in Australia and will learn how to save my life. Here he is wearing an assistance dog coat and visiting a shopping centre for the first time :)”


© lauraraurala / Reddit

Bill will help him save from Addison’s disease.

6. The new employee at the bookstore:


© kelserah / Reddit

So, which book do you want sir?

7. A handsome puppy in training to be the next guide dog puppy:

© janjaadorp / Reddit

8. “Goodboi doggo, Uuno, works very hard as a video game developer.”


© Remember__Me / Reddit

Uuno deserves a pay raise for working hard. These working animals even stay motivated on Mondays. They are not like us; they perform their responsibilities with full dedication. Our fluffy pets are fully responsible and make us realize that they are more than just being cute and adorable. Imagine getting help from a cute guide dog puppy or getting saved by a handsome service dog. Even this thought sounds like a dream come true. Scroll down to see more hardworking animals on their duty.

9. “My dog comes to work everyday. Officially his title is “Chief Morale Officer” but mostly he is a Professional Napper in his bed under my desk.”

© mydogisincharge / Reddit

The Chief Morale Officer naps at work and does not feel guilty about it.

10. “My service dog Ziva getting used to her chemistry goggles!”


© plants27 / Reddit

When you are working in a chemistry lab environment, make your service dog wear goggles to protect him.

11. “A year ago I posted a Guard cat on duty. We got her an updated sign to accurate represent her.”

© Sindtwhistle / Reddit

Who would not love looking out of the window when your neighbors have a guard cat on duty?

12. “Five day old therapy dog in training”


© mrspevensie / Reddit

Born to be a therapy dog.

13. Home inspectors on duty:

© SiEdMeow / Reddit

14. “This is Hope, the newest recruit for the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office in Illinois. She just started her training and will soon be finding missing people and tracking suspects.”


© ClementineChime / Reddit

Hope seems to be a sweet girl!

15. How would you feel to see a happy doggo working at the bookstore counter?

© SamLynn79 / Reddit

16. “I was laughing and my dog thought I was hyperventilating and got me my emergency inhaler. Thanks pal? LOL.”


© ohnorosa / Reddit

17. A doggo who assists his owner and works as a toolbox:

© lehnni / Reddit

Do you have a service dog or does your pet helps with something? If yes, share your pet’s photos with us because we love working animals.


What do you think?