
Teen Pretends To Get Fired When Faced By Entitled Customers Who Start Complaining

It is just not easy to deal with entitled people.

They literally pull on every possible nerve you until you surrender to their will or have to pass the matter on to someone better. Entitled customers show up all the time with the worst possible complaints. They either do not like the company’s policy for some reason. And the specific point raised that they feel is wrong literally has nothing to do with them. And this is the kind of stuff that infuriates an employee. Unfortunately, many employees are unable to slap such customers back to the stone age because there is a code of conduct in place and just because a customer is mean to you should not mean you also do the same. However, there are ways. I am not saying they are correct or ethically certified but clever people know how to work their way around things.


I am talking about teen employees who every time would face complaining entitled customers, would fake their own firing. This is not an ideal thing to do and there are probably a lot of other ways to deal with customer complains but this is a unique one and we thought everyone should read through this event. Even the teenager got a bit confused after what they did and asked the Reddit community for a seal of approval by posting the story on the infamous subreddit Am I The Asshole? 

Scroll down below to read what happened.

1. Pretending to get fired…this is a new one.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

2. Three teenagers work part-time at a coffee shop.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

3. Customer services does take a major toll on employees. Not easy at all.


You literally face all sorts of tantrums, even the ones you aren’t responsible. “Why isn’ my cat peeing on time, Mr. Coffeemaker?!” You guys get the point.

Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

4. Are we about to get enrolled in a “How to get rid of grumpy customers 101”?


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

5. He’s probably mad on someone he can’t take his anger out on.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

6. Oh…okay. That one came out of nowhere.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

7. The teens teamed up and OP pretending to get fired to get rid of the customer. This is some elite stuff.

A teenager’s mind goes way too far, man!

Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

8. Looks like the trick worked out perfectly in favor of the teenagers.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

9. A very unique way to make the entitled customers feel that way.

Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

10. Well then those customers shouldn’t have gone off on those needy-for-money employees.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

I would say the teens are NTA but I do have one major concern. Given the fact that there is no mentioning of it, I will assume that their actual boss has no idea about this trickery these teenager employees play to get rid of a bad customers. What if one of those customers returns and spots the same employee working who got fired right before their eyes. They might end up letting the supervisor know and the truth could reach the boss. Possibly, the boss may not recognize the funny element in this that the teens so. So I would suggest them to be a bit careful with this by making the boss aware of this.

Regardless of this concern, I absolutely love this clever idea. Every entitled person deserves to be put into their rightful place.

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

11. Did teach a great lesson.

Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

12. Didn’t even say anything to those customers directly.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

13. Teens got declared as heroes.

Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

14. Customers having a bad day should at least consider the fact that maybe the employee they are about to shout on is also having a bad day.


Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

15. This is a genuine concern.

Via u/throwRA-fhfsveyary

Time for you guys to vote and share your thoughts in the comments section down below. I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

Stay tuned for more.


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