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Woman Asks If She Was Wrong For “Mocking” Her Husband’s Coworker For Being In Her 40s And Still Single

woman single

Personal life choices should be respected. That’s how normal society should work, right? But not in the case of this Reddit user’s husband. u/CourageClassic6141’s husband decided to use his wife’s last name as his. When he put in a request in his office to have his name changed, all his coworkers got to know about it. Some of them laughed, while others got offended.


Brenda, one of OP’s husband’s coworkers, was also offended by this. So much so that she started taunting OP for being an embarrassing wife and doing so little for her husband. OP decided not to take any of it and shut her mouth up by bringing up how she is in her 40s and is still a single woman. Brenda, after not being able to take the heat, started spreading the word that OP is mocking her for being single. Clearly, the taste of reality wasn’t so good for her.

You are going to love this interaction. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. The randomness of this topic, I love it!

Via u/CourageClassic6141

2. OP’s husband decided to take her last name and when the news spread in his office, half of them found it funny while the others got offended. Brenda, our antagonist, was one of the offended ones.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

3. The jokes kept coming in and OP and her husband swiftly kept ignoring them…not feeling any offense.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

4. One day OP asked if any one of her husband’s coworkers could drop him home and one person agreed.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

5. Brenda decided to be rude out of nowhere and tried to start a spat with OP by taunting her husband.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

6. You can tell OP gave this response in a very calm manner.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

7. Brenda then said OP should be embarrassed for doing so little for her husband. OP said she makes much more than him and pays all the bills too.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

8. Ouch…Brenda started it and it looks like OP just finished it.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

Oof, that one must have hurt the soul of Brenda, which might have also been permanently damaged if you ask me. She forced that out of OP, you cannot blame her for saying that. Brenda kept calling her a terrible wife. This is what happens when you send people right to the edge. They return as a different being and the sender just doesn’t know how to handle them.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

9. Of course she starts crying and complaining to everyone about OP making an offensive comment as if she didn’t say anything terrible to OP herself. Drama queen!


Via u/CourageClassic6141

10. OP cleared it to everyone that her response to Brenda about her paying all the bills did not hurt her husband’s feelings.


Via u/CourageClassic6141

11. He’s a proud husband and very happy with his wife. That should settle it for Brenda.

Via u/CourageClassic6141

Here’s what the AITA community members had to say about this:

12. I see what you did there.


Via decadecency

13. She thought only she could make offensive comments and make others feel bad about themselves. Brenda got a solid taste of her own medicine.

Via societys_pinata

14. People who got offended after a man used his wife’s last name, you can imagine how professional they must be.


Via theredditer91

15. It really was surprising to read people got offended by that.

Via MyRockySpine

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via slayrgerl

Cat tax.

“This is my cat, Paco. I also call her exclamation butt.”


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