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22 Foster Fails Who Went From Stray To Stay

Dear friends: We sincerely hope that everyone is having a great Sunday. Nothing makes us cat lovers happier than a classic rescue tale. What could be more satisfying than a helpless little kitten getting a forever home with the ideal parents? correct Nothing. This takes us to the topic of the current piece, which is rescue stories—more specifically, foster failures.
A foster failure, in case you didn’t know, is when a foster pet parent neglects to uphold their fostering responsibilities by adopting the animal themselves. We only ever experience compassion and understanding when hearing about foster care failure tales. Fosterers frequently develop tender ties with the cats and kittens they care for, which leads to total affection. after the


1. Who would not want to foster such a clingy cute cat?


2. I would love to have one Luna in my life 


“I’m also a failed foster mom. Luna and I have been rocking together for 10 years! Like how can I not adopt someone that looks at me like this 24/7?!”

Wow, we totally get what you’re saying. You’ve won the lottery if your cat greets you with this expression. When we sneeze, theirs hiss at us.

3. Everyone should be doing such kinds of good deeds


“That’s what I thought when a “community” cat came in through a doggie door & had 5 kittens. I had to foster the momma & kittens for 6 weeks. I brought momma home…. The shelter photo. ”

Thank you for taking care of them and adopting the momma ??

4. This warms our heart 


5. Holding hands with this cute little thing means everything 


6. This story would make your day so much better


7. Cuddle partners

8. You have absolutely been claimed once you own a cat 


9. Cedric Diggory, I love the name!

10. Almost all cats have a thing for shoes 


11. Wholesome 

12. The way this cat is lying> 


13. The way he’s sleeping tells a lot about how loves camping so much 

14. Not being able to pee in peace must be a problem 


15. Hey there little one

16. 10 years of the bond, cheers to that!


17. If we talk about technicality here, this is not a fail. Good job!

18. This one looks like it loves music 


19. This cat is indeed very beautiful 

20. These two are the cutest


21. They both look like they love each other 

22. Whatever you are feeling, I feel the same

Dog - Terry Sanford @taytoe8 Replying to @michaelscat2 Me too. 7:39 PM . Aug 22, 2022 Twitter for iPhone + nett
Share your thoughts on these amazing stories with us. If you have anything to share, tell us in the comment section. Stay tuned for more.

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