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Employee Fired Over Hospital Visit, Boss Then Misses Wedding Tasting And Fianceé Leaves Him

This employee was fired for skipping work after a string of eminently avoidable incidents, yet she was nevertheless forced to serve a two-week notice period. It’s understandable if you find that puzzling. Working a notice period after being abruptly dismissed is completely absurd and perplexing, especially if you need the fired (and unqualified) employee to manage the business while you take a break to prepare for your wedding with your fiancé.


Yes, it is entirely avoidable. All this guy needed to do was avoid acting really foolish. Instead, he made the foolish decision to air his filthy laundry in front of his boss. His fiancee ended things and separated from him permanently as a result of the subsequent series of events, which acted as a Rube Goldberg machine and culminated with dropping a straw onto the metaphorical camel’s back of their engagement. If you want to see the narrative and responses, keep reading.

1. OP worked at a retail store where many people did not come as they would go to the bigger store


2. The timing rules at the workplace are strict and you cannot stay past the closing time, if you do, it’s put in overtime and the manager takes care of it


3. There are some company policies that you have to abide by such as these


4. The manager decided to let go of OP the job as he could not come to work while being in the hospital


5. This si where the fun part comes


6. OP maliciously played here


7. OP managed to send him the screenshot and the Dan had to talk to the higher authority

8. OP explains the higher up everything


9. Dan had to make everyone leave on time mainly due to OP but he does not oblige

10. OP asks to work till 9, Dan disagrees, OP insists


11. Funny part is here

12. TLDR for those who cannot read the full story


13. True that

14. People are correcting his spellings here


15. Do you think the same?

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