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Cat Keeps Pooping Outside The Litter Box, Dad Gets Rid Of It, Internet Is Not Happy

People can form strong bonds with animals relatively quickly.

Whether we are talking about cats or dogs, it is straightforward to form a bond and then never want to let them go. It is not surprising at all to see people doting on their pets after only a month. After all, how can one look at those adorable faces and not feel anything? I know that it would be nigh on impossible for me. That is why it is necessary to do your research and think before you end up adopting one.


They may look adorable and easy to take care of but that isn’t always the case. Animals require a lot more care and love than people may think. And sometimes even if you train them, some problems and chaos will still be caused which you have to deal with. But clearly, this particular person did not think about any of this. So rather than helping his son fix the problems the cat was causing, he thought it was prudent if he gives away the kitty.

As you can guess, this did not go well. And you can read the whole story by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

We start off this story with some background information about these people.


He thought that the cat would get used to the litter box but he still hasn’t gotten used to it.


So he did the most unreasonable thing and gave the cat away without telling his son.


I honestly don’t understand how this dad thought this would be okay with his son. I mean can you imagine losing your pet after you loved them for more than a year? It is not at all about that the cat isn’t that far away. What it really is about is that this man does not respect his son and didn’t even warn him beforehand. They could have both tried to train the cat before making this decision. If my dad did this with my cat, I would be angry too.

As you can expect, people were not on his side.


Cats don’t instinctively know how to use a litter.


It is necessary to teach them how to use one.


I understand that he said they tried everything but that isn’t the case.

He never mentions litter training the kitty.


People generally had a lot of advice to give.

And most people agreed on the fact that he was wrong.


I can’t imagine how bad his son feels.

He had a friend and now he doesn’t have one.


This comment puts it all perfectly in perspective.

It was his job to help his son.


he had a lot of options before he employed such drastic measures.

Mending this relationship won’t be easy.


The best thing he can do now is apologize to his son.

And get the cat back.


So they can both work on getting the cat trained.

Whatever the issue was, it was their responsibility.


I can only hope that the kitty is happy and healthy.

And that the son gets his cat back soon.


We are all in desperate need of cat tax after that story!


This fluffy white cloud is Lulu and it is her 12th birthday.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think the Father was being truthful when he said that he has already tried everything or did he make a mistake? What would you do in this particular situation? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in with their opinions as well.


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