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Guy Doesn’t Listen To His Wife When She Asks Him Not To Give The Keys To His Mother

You can’t do whatever you want in a relationship.

I know that a lot of people like to do things their own way but that isn’t always possible when it comes to being in a relationship. When you enter into such a partnership, you have to keep in mind what it entails. Whether you are married or not, you need to set clear boundaries and communicate to your partner what you are willing to share. And while the following instance may not seem like a big deal, these kinds of things can cause a lot of drama in the long run.


You see the people in this story just bought a new house and the husband decided to give an extra key to his mother in case of emergencies. Now, this honestly doesn’t sound like a bad idea but his wife was not happy with this decision at all. Now he had talked about this with his wife beforehand but she had refused. Now rather than letting it go, he went behind her back and did it anyway because he had bought the home with his own money and he didn’t think his wife should have any say in it.

You can read the full story by scrolling below and can form your own opinion.

Source: Reddit

He starts off the story by saying that he recently bought a house and that he received no help from his wife.


So when his mother asked for a key to the house, he was more than happy to oblige.


This did rub the wife the wrong way s she was not happy about it at all.


Rather than trying to understand where she was coming from, he got angry with her which only made it worse.


She clearly did not like how he handled the situation which is understandable.


And this has led to numerous arguments within their households.


Which finally led him to the Internet asking others for advice.

He does say that the relationship between his wife and his mother is spectacular but there must be a reason why she doesn’t want her to have a key to their house. And one thing that does weird me out a tiny bit is the fact that he talks about the house like it belongs to only him. Even though she paid for everything all these years just so they could get a house in the first place. I don’t know about you but something smells fishy in this particular story.

People in the comments were not on his side at all.


And most if not all called him out for his wording.

So he is wrong in this context according to a lot of people.


Some people were also confused as to why he thing she didn’t pay towards the house.

When she did indeed help him save.


Though it is clear that we need more of the story and what information we do get here is not enough.

We all know what time it is. Kitty time!


If this happens to you, it is better to just send a picture of this to your boss and realize that you are not getting to work today. After all, we do not want to mess with these adorable fluff lords at all.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think his wording in the post points to something more? or do you think they can work it out by just communicating better? What would do if your partner did this? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?