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Boss Fires Employee And Her Boyfriend For Not Abiding By A Made-Up Mandatory Overtime

Bosses can be so terrible at times.

The dynamic of the corporate world is very different from the education world. As a student, as we get closer to graduating, we start establishing dreams of working at a great organization, getting timely promotions, creating a nice social circle among coworkers, being in the boss’ good books, and ultimately leading the organization. It’s a great deal, unfortunately, it has been made impossible to achieve such a feat by terrible people sitting on the seats of great leaders. Yes, I am talking about horrible bosses who never think about the business’s long-term success, they are always trying to locate ways to make an immediate gain, and trust me that has never worked. Any business that has been a great success is all thanks to its employees. These businesses focus on employee facilitation and it works, unlike bad bosses who focus on short-term gains even if it means being rude and unfair to your entire workforce.


In today’s story, we have got a horrible boss who decided to impose made-up job overtime, which was mandatory, on their employees because according to them the workforce didn’t do as much work. Reddit user u/fruitypoppies shared how when their shift was just about to end, her boss scheduled an overtime shift for her, without asking, right after her normal shift ended. It was on such short notice that she couldn’t work the overtime shift and that was enough reason for her boss to fire her. Not only that, the boss went ahead and fired her boyfriend as well.

The story was posted on the infamous subreddit “Antiwork“. The subreddit has got over 2.3 million followers and they absolutely love never forgiving these bad bosses through their fierce comments.

Scroll down below to read the story to know all the details of the matter!

1. Horrible boss making his employees struggle? Not surprising.


Via u/fruitypoppies

2. Boss announced a mandatory 4-hour shift for OP from out of nowhere.


Via u/fruitypoppies

3. It was impossible for OP to make it as it was her mother’s birthday on the same day. The result? Her boss fired her.


Via u/fruitypoppies

What even? I almost want to bet on the fact that this boss had taken a pill before making this firing decision.

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

4. If you think about it, the boss is only making things tougher on himself. Finding a new worker would mean search costs, training, and orientation. All that is going to require money out of the company’s bank.


Via u/fruitypoppies

5. He could’ve just asked without making up the whole overtime sh*t. So what if OP couldn’t make it on the day he wanted her to show up, it’s not like the company was going to lose out on a billion-dollar deal. The boss could’ve easily rescheduled but his ego didn’t allow him to.


Via u/fruitypoppies

What is this boss? I mean where is the logic can someone please help me identify it? If I am not wrong, the horrible, so-called “leader” fired an employee because they couldn’t make it to an unannounced, made-up overtime shift. And according to OP she only missed one day in the entire year. So obnoxious, such terrible people never deserve to be on such high positions.

6. They never get what they want to achieve. What is he going to do now that he has fired the very employee who was going to put in the missed work? The business will suffer from delays and slow work.


Via u/fruitypoppies

7. Looks like OP’s boss is going t make another blunder by not giving the paperwork to her to apply for the unemployment claim.


Via u/fruitypoppies

8. I think they should, I mean the screenshots show very clearly who the culprit is.

Via u/fruitypoppies

9. No company policy stated the boss could randomly impose overtime on their employees.


Via u/fruitypoppies

10. Woah, so the boss also fired OP’s boyfriend who had been serving the business for 14 long years. What a loser!

Via u/fruitypoppies

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Please share your thought about the story in the comments section down below, and I know you guys have a lot to say about the boss.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via JazzyyWolf / Reddit

Dog tax.

“Stella (the black dog) didn’t want to move from the front seat, and Pepper didn’t want to either.”


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