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17 Bosses Who Don’t Deserve To Be Anyone’s Boss

The term “impostor syndrome” refers to the feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt that individuals may experience, despite being competent and accomplished in their roles. It is a common phenomenon that can affect people from all walks of life, including those in positions of power. However, when it comes to bosses who exhibit abusive, unethical, or ineffective leadership behaviors, one may hope that they do have impostor syndrome. This is because such individuals should not be in positions of power, and their lack of confidence could lead them to reflect on their behaviors and make positive changes.


In this article, we will highlight 17 types of bosses who should not be in positions of power and may benefit from experiencing impostor syndrome. From micromanagers and bullies to those who lack empathy and transparency, these bosses exhibit behaviors that can harm their employees, their organizations, and their own careers. By recognizing the negative impact of their actions and seeking to improve, they could not only become better leaders but also contribute to a more positive and productive work environment. Scroll down below till the end.

1. This supervisor, in the strangest way attempted to justify his employees’ excessive workload.


Via Buzzfeed 

2. This supervisor categorically made up “theft of electricity.”


Via Buzzfeed 

3. This employer, has no soul at all.


Via Buzzfeed 

4. This manager genuinely remarked, “COVID who?”


Via Buzzfeed 

5. My boss fired me for taking one of my paid sick days. I worked there for 6 years. The next day she said I could continue working there if I took on more hours and stopped asking for a raise. I didn’t respond. I got this message after I showed up to return my key and get my stuff. My new job pays better.


Via Buzzfeed 

6. “I work at a small coffee shop. My boss just absent-mindedly poured unroasted beans into a batch of roasted ones. Here’s us separating 10,000 beans…by hand.”


Via Buzzfeed 

7. This supervisor shouldn’t have bothered with this “gift” at all.

Via Buzzfeed 

9. This supervisor, who might as well charge their clients for breathing.


Via Buzzfeed 

10. Today my boss had me move a bird nest that was in a house under construction, the babies will die.

Via Buzzfeed 

11. Made my boss a custom water bottle and told him to hand wash it. He put it in the dishwasher.

Via Buzzfeed 

12. This boss didn’t seem to consider the fact that someone else might want a slice of the pie.


Via Buzzfeed 

13. This is how my boss decided to organize our color chips.

Via Buzzfeed 

14. Came to work to find that my boss threw away everyone’s desks and replaced them with dressers, a sheet of glass, and saddle chairs.


Via Buzzfeed 

15. Got a significant raise a few days ago. Boss messaged me today.

Via Buzzfeed 

15. I’m allergic to peanuts, which is well known in my office. EVERY TIME my boss gets dessert (even for *my* birthday), she gets peanuts…


Via Buzzfeed 

17. And this boss needs to give this employee a MASSIVE raise.

Via Buzzfeed 

In conclusion, bosses who exhibit abusive, unethical, or ineffective leadership behaviors are not suitable for positions of power. While the concept of impostor syndrome may seem negative, it can actually be a catalyst for positive change. By recognizing their flaws and working to improve, these bosses could become more effective and compassionate leaders who prioritize the well-being and growth of their employees. It is important for organizations to support the development of their leaders and foster a culture that values empathy, transparency, and accountability.

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