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15 Women Who Gave “Nice Guys” A Chance And Had Horrible Experience Dating Them

dating nice guys

The term “nice guys” has become a popular phrase to describe men who portray themselves as kind and respectful but who often feel entitled to romantic or sexual relationships in return.

Many women have encountered these men in their dating lives, and have found themselves struggling with the decision of whether or not to give them a chance. To gain insight into this phenomenon, a Reddit user posed the question to the women of the r/AskWomen subreddit: “Women who gave ‘nice guys’ a chance, how did it work out?” The responses were varied and revealing, with some women reporting positive experiences, while others shared cautionary tales.


One common theme that emerged in the responses was the idea that “nice guys” are often not as nice as they seem. Many women reported feeling pressured or manipulated by men who claimed to be kind and respectful but who actually had ulterior motives. These men would often become possessive or jealous or would become angry or aggressive when their advances were rebuffed. Here, we have compiled the experiences of some of the women with “nice guys”. Scroll down to read.

One woman asked this question in the subreddit r/AskWomen:



This man initially seemed kind and genuine but turned out to be manipulative and disrespectful.



The man used his relationship with her as a way to gain confidence and experience with other women and continued to harass her after their breakup.



The actual nicest guys are the ones who don’t label themselves as such and don’t feel the need to prove their kindness.



The garden variety, abusive psycho: he complains to his girlfriend about turning down a woman who hit on him at a bowling alley. He seemed disappointed that he had to reject her and expected gratitude from his girlfriend for his “loyalty.”



This guy was disappointed that he had to reject a girl who hit on him and expected gratitude from his girlfriend for his “loyalty.”



He stalked and harassed her after she turned him down:


When the nice guy thinks that a girl cannot say “no” to him:



She gave a “nice guy” a chance, only to find out that he was manipulative, controlling, and had tendencies of becoming an abuser.


Some women have negative experiences with men who identify as “nice guys.” They may encounter issues such as possessiveness, entitlement, and a lack of respect for boundaries. These behaviors can quickly turn toxic and lead to emotional or even physical harm.

It is important to recognize that women do not owe men a chance simply because they identify as “nice guys.” Women have the right to choose their partners based on their own preferences and standards, and should not be guilted or shamed into giving someone a chance.

The guy attempted to have sex with her without her consent while she was pretending to be asleep.



A nice guy with a horrible drinking problem and serious anger issues:


“The nice guy is forever alone”



That nice Christian guy:


What a nightmare that must have been for her:



He started off charming but became extremely controlling, dictating what she should wear and how she should look.


He was a nice guy in public but insecure behind closed doors:



It is up to every woman to decide whether or not to give a “nice guy” a chance. However, it is important to be cautious and aware of any red flags or warning signs, and to prioritize one’s own emotional and physical safety in any relationship.

The cat tax:

Source: Reddit

“Hi! My cat’s foster name was Spaz but I don’t really like that name her for. Any ideas??”


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