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Employee Who Gave In Their Two Week Notice Made The Manager Cry

manager cried to me

If a job is not paying fairly or is mentally stressful, the employee will not be able to survive at that organization for long. The only motivating factor for an employee to take on more work is better pay, incentives, and rewards. You cannot expect a worker to do the job of three people and happily receive the pay of one. That is unethical and unfair. You bet your bum that particular employee would be secretly applying to many organizations hoping to exit their current place of work as quickly as possible.


In today’s story, that is exactly what happened. Reddit user u/zainybays used to work at a bakery that struggled to hire new people and was understaffed. This meant that each worker working there would have to d the work of three people and the shifts would often reach 13 to 14 hours. This was stressing OP so he decided to apply to some other organizations. Soon, he got an offer some a hospital that he had applied to. It paid better and the work hours were less intense too, as compared to the bakery. So he decided to give in his 2-week notice to his manager who got shocked and literally started crying upon the receipt of the notice.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. A tough one to take for the manager? Let’s find out what happened.


Via u/zainybays

2. The bakery is heavily understaffed so the employees, including, OP have to work way beyond what was originally required of them.


If the bakery doesn’t hire good employees quickly, the current ones may not want to work there anymore given how exhaustive the job is.

Via u/zainybays

3. OP puts in his 2 weeks’ notice as he gets a better paying, less intense job at a hospital he had applied to.


Via u/zainybays

4. The manager started crying upon receiving OP’s notice.


Via u/zainybays

5. She begged him to stay till January because it would get really difficult for her to cover the festivals that were about to come up.


Via u/zainybays

6. OP told her it wasn’t going to be possible for him to stay that long.


Via u/zainybays

7. You had your reasons, OP.

Via u/zainybays

8. OP got a lot of support from the Reddit community.


Via u/zainybays

9. The grocery store is in charge of the bakery employees’ pay.

Via u/zainybays

10. If she didn’t stop you, then you shouldn’t feel any guilt in leaving.


Via u/zainybays

11. By less intense OP meant the timings and schedule are much more structured at the hospital.

Via u/zainybays

12. The manager requested OP one more time to stay till Thanksgiving so she could go out of town.


Via u/zainybays

13. But OP doesn’t have many options to explore.

Via u/zainybays

Trying to settle for a life that is less stressful is not a crime at all, in fact, every human being on this planet wants to live a life where they get more money without being overworked. OP was clearly being overworked and was not getting the pay he wanted. At the hospital, he was going to get paid more and he was also going to have structured work hours which he referred to as “less intense”. I think leaving the bakery for the hospital made complete sense. No matter how massive of a philanthropist you are, you have to think about yourself too. The manager cried, fine. But OP was always going to put himself first. The manager won’t be there to pay his kid’s school fees, there’s a lot of thought that goes into this.

So, OP was right for leaving, that is what I think.

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

14. It was only a matter of time before OP would quit, the bakery should’ve known about this.



Via Greankeaper

15. OP got congratulations and best wishes for the new job.


Via Proic13

16. This fits in so perfectly with the story.

Via BigIrondude

17. I am anticipating it…haha!


Via pacopleasant

18. If only they started appreciating you the day you joined.

Via gvthangel

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via u/flabbyella

Cat tax.

“Felt bad taking this as my husband was sitting on the end of the bed crying at the time, but my cat had the perfect outline of a seal!”


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