Employees of an organization are its powerhouse. Yes, a business requires financing, a good strategy, and an accurate organizational structure, but people who utilize those finances efficiently, implement the set strategy while operating within the created organizational structure to generate the most profit for the company. Do you know what the business should do with these people? It should honor and respect them by acknowledging their efforts and making them feel wanting. And this respect and valuing those people shouldn’t start when they join as employees of the organization, it should start way before. Potential employees should be valued from the day they come in for their job interviews.
Those candidates make time to reach the workplace early to make sure there are no delays or lags from their side, so the business should also make sure they don’t make those people wait in line for too long, that would be unfair.
Something similar happened with Reddit user u/Snoo-87328 who arrived for his interview 5 minutes early so it would start on time but ended up having to wait in line for 1 hour and 15 minutes for his turn to come.
OP didn’t like this disrespect so after giving a really good interview and getting the job, he refused his job offer there and then.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down!
1. I wonder what those actions were…let’s find out.
Via u/Snoo-87328
2. OP went for an interview which was scheduled at 13:30.
Via u/Snoo-87328
3. As OP arrived, he noticed there were 8 candidates already waiting who were there since 13:00.
Via u/Snoo-87328
4. Finally OP’s turn came after waiting 1 hour and fifteen minutes. That is a lot of waiting.
Via u/Snoo-87328
5. He ended up giving a very good interview and good the offer but as soon as he did, OP declined it
Via u/Snoo-87328
6. Upon being asked why he declined the offer, OP said they didn’t value the candidates’ time and no one knows how the potential employees would be treated after they get the job.
Via u/Snoo-87328
7. No interviewer would like it if an interviewee ever came late to the interview…this was the basis of OP declining the job offer he got.
Via u/Snoo-87328
Well done, OP. This is exactly what should be done with such an organization. If you don’t value the time of people who are going to work for you, to make your business flourish, then there is no point in those people working for you at all.
Companies need to learn to value both their employees as well as prospective employees, only then can they truly succeed and sustain that success to become a blue chip company. Otherwise, all these businesses will only be remembered as “attempts that failed within a couple of years”. That is all!
8. I am sorry but “sorry for the wait” is not enough.
Via u/Snoo-87328
9. Unfortunately they weren’t in the mood for a good chat either. So the decision to decline the offer was very easy for OP.
Via u/Snoo-87328
Here are some of the comments shared on the story:
10. But such businesses only end up hiring the worse candidates because the talented ones know the true worth of their time and don’t like it being wasted.
Via Potato_Author540
11. Unprofessionalism cost. That is such a great way of stating it.
Via Netflxnschill
12. This! If they aren’t valuing your time now, they sure as h*ll won’t be valuing it when you become their employee.
Via RU_IL_GenX
13. That’s a terrible approach.
Via ohnnononononoooo
14. This needs to change! Either don’t “whoops” or don’t “talk about your performance”.
Via Armored-Sword
15. This is so cool.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Dog tax.
“Took her outside for a potty break. Checked on her a minute later and found her like this.”
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