
Twitter User Shares A List Of 15 Possible Signs Of Depression & It’s A Must Read

Depression is a silent illness.

Many people suffer from this mental illness but it isn’t very clear from the outside. While it is true it can affect your physical beings, those things go unnoticed for a long time until it’s too late. Many people just wave away depression by saying that a particular individual is just sad. But sadness and depression are two different things.


While anyone can get sad, it usually because of an event that is making them stressed. However, depression is quite different since you might not be able to find a reason as to why you feel so down.

Source: Twitter

Not everyone may show these signs but it’s a good start.


Social interactions just don’t interest them as much as before.


They become very fatigued like something is always holding them back.


Even the things that don’t matter as much.


Even talking with that person can help a lot.


It cannot be solved as easily as just ‘trying to be happy’ but not many people realize that. That is why we need more people like this Twitter user shedding light on the possible signs of depression.

A huge change in appetite is definitely a warning sign.


Because many people use food as a coping mechanism.

The things that they once loved don’t interest them anymore.


Junk starts to pile up.

Things like hygiene just aren’t the first thought in their mind.


They feel alone and don’t feel as though anybody needs them.

The things that once mattered or made you happy don’t mean as much anymore. You start to look at everything from a bleak perspective that you can’t change however much you try.

For some people talking naturally and putting their thoughts into words becomes exceptionally hard.


Mental illnesses can affect a lot of people around us.

And these issues can also exasperate physical problems.


You feel like you have no energy to even do the most mundane things.

Watching a tv show that you once loved feels boring.


Not many people understand what a person with depression is going through.

It might seem gross to other people but you just stop caring.


If someone around you is showing these signs, don’t hesitate to reach out and provide the help that they may need. Not everyone exhibits the same signs but it is always recommended to pay close attention to the people we love so we don’t come to regret it later.


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