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Job Candidate Cuts Off Guy In Parking Lot Without Realizing He’s The Interviewer, Gets Rejected During The Interview

Job Candidate Cuts Off Guy In Parking Lot Without Realizing He's The Interviewer, Gets Rejected During The Interview

We often find ourselves encountering situations that can bring out the best or the worst in us.

Sometimes, we make choices that we later regret, and it is through these experiences that we learn and grow as individuals. Today, we bring you a thought-provoking story that highlights the consequences of being unkind and how one person’s actions led to a valuable life lesson.


In a bustling office setting, one individual, whom we will refer to as OP, found themselves entangled in an unexpected confrontation with an obnoxious driver (OD) in the office parking lot. Fueled by the stress of a hectic day filled with interviews for a job vacancy, OP had a tense encounter with OD, who displayed little regard for road etiquette. The encounter, although brief, left a lasting impact on OP and set the stage for a unique and humorous turn of events during the job interview process. Read the complete story below, as it sheds light on the aftermath of that fateful parking lot encounter.

OP is driving back to the office after a hasty lunch, having spent the entire morning interviewing candidates and anticipating a full afternoon of interviews ahead.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



OP encounters an obnoxious driver (OD) who cuts in front, leading to a confrontation in the parking lot with OD showing disrespect and playing loud music.



OP refrains from engaging in a confrontation with OD due to a busy schedule, moves their car away, and heads to the office to prepare for the interviews.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



OP confides in the office manager about the incident with OD, who shows concern and later surprises OP during the interviews with a visit and a knowing expression.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



OP’s office manager informs them that OD is the next interview candidate, leading to an awkward encounter and a sense of intrigue.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



During the interview, OD awkwardly addresses the parking lot incident without apologizing and then proceeds to assert his suitability for the role.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



OP maintains composure during the interview, relishing in seeing OD uncomfortable, and eventually delivers the rejection, causing OD to leave disheartened.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.


Life often presents us with unexpected moments that test our character and remind us of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. OP’s experience serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of being unkind. Demonstrating humility allows us to acknowledge our imperfections and approach others with empathy and understanding, fostering a sense of genuine connection. Meanwhile, acts of kindness, big or small, have the power to brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity. In contrast, OD’s behavior towards OP exemplified a lack of kindness, as he disregarded the consequences of his actions, failing to offer a simple apology or show consideration for others.

After the interview, the Office Manager playfully mentions the incident, and they share laughs about it:

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



OP expresses surprise and gratitude for the comments received and shares the lesson learned about the consequences of being unkind.

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.


He apologized for cutting his instructor off in the parking area:

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



OD never apologized for what he did:

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.


Why people do not understand this?

Actually I Do work here, and NO you didn’t get the job.



Share your comments and reflections below, and let’s engage in a meaningful conversation about the power of kindness and the lessons we can learn from our own experiences.

The cat tax:


“4 years of causing chaos”


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